
Topic: [DOGE][MAX][VTC][DRK][Auto-switch] SWITCHERCOIN.COM! Automatic change to LTC! - page 5. (Read 47874 times)

full member
Activity: 153
Merit: 100
Of course no.
24/7 running on.

in switchercoin only can see hasrate off last day?

can we see the hashrate of the day.

edit: you are the owner or the admin, can you put my hashrate of the days please?¿ and we can see. I only can see the 1 february 17:50 to 19:40(and is running)

EDIT: OK now im seeing, the server was down saturday 1 aprox. 20:00h to sunday 2 aprox. 120:00h??
Im seeing 130hh/s from the web....... was any problem?

because my miner is 24/ on and in the hours above was down from 1440kh/s to 130 kh/s..... after go again to 1440kh/s..

look the pic.

It's problem your miner, not server.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
May I ask that "How to payout manually?"
anyone can  help me?

forgive my poor English...
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
I have been using this pool for a few weeks now, and definitely earned more than mining LTC directly. I have had no problems with the payouts since the first day and have been satisfied since.

However, I do not understand why the pool is mining LTC when DOGE shows 180% profit on your own website... why was it ever switched from DOGE? I saw your twitter post saying there is no profit in other coins, but thats clearly not true... Whats going on?
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
Anyone annoyed can give a try to another pool. I have created a list of different auto-switching pools and your opinion is welcomed.
Activity: 91
Merit: 10
I really don't get why we still mine LTC directly. Doge mining still is better than mining LTC right now. The pool has gone down from around 3500MHZ to 2060MHZ because of that in less than 2 days. Weird, really weird, wish I would be home so I could leave myself for a while but got to wait till friday till I can't get hands on my miner again Sad  hope things change for the beter before that, was initially very happy on the pool. It's very stable though.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
Of course no.
24/7 running on.

in switchercoin only can see hasrate off last day?

can we see the hashrate of the day.

edit: you are the owner or the admin, can you put my hashrate of the days please?¿ and we can see. I only can see the 1 february 17:50 to 19:40(and is running)

EDIT: OK now im seeing, the server was down saturday 1 aprox. 20:00h to sunday 2 aprox. 120:00h??
Im seeing 130hh/s from the web....... was any problem?

because my miner is 24/ on and in the hours above was down from 1440kh/s to 130 kh/s..... after go again to 1440kh/s..

look the pic.

full member
Activity: 153
Merit: 100
Are you telling me that no payment  in 6 hours was for the luck?
Are you telling me that by bad luck i won in 12 hours 48 dogs?

Where your 2.5k doge? I do not have your DOGE, I buy penthouse on the beach.

Probably if you answer like this, i can answer u without any respect.


EDIT: Are you telling me that for the lucky in 18 hours of work in switchercoin only earn 48 doges with 1440 kh/s?

Is a joke, no?
Maybe, miner offline?
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
Are you telling me that no payment  in 6 hours was for the luck?
Are you telling me that by bad luck i won in 12 hours 48 dogs?

Where your 2.5k doge? I do not have your DOGE, I buy penthouse on the beach.

Probably if you answer like this, i can answer u without any respect.


EDIT: Are you telling me that for the lucky in 18 hours of work in switchercoin only earn 48 doges with 1440 kh/s?

Is a joke, no?
full member
Activity: 153
Merit: 100
Activity: 42
Merit: 0

-0:50:00 h (1/02/2014)
2877 dogecoin

-12:39:00 h(1/02/2014)
5142 dogecoin

Earn in 12h -> 2265 doge with 1440 kh/s

wtf! -50% less?

no answer?

with 1400kh/s will earn about 5000 doge in 12 hours.
The day 1/02/2014 i earn only 2265 for 12 hours.

(ATM im earning 5k doge for 12  hours.... in other site, of course)

why? where are my 2.5k doge?................... WHERE?


1130973   2014-02-02 14:40:48   Credit      83248    47.84487444
1129447   2014-02-02 14:10:21   Don_Fee   83210   -0.48850103
*1129447   2014-02-02 14:10:21   Credit      83210    48.36160197
*1091545   2014-02-02 02:00:47   Litecoin          6551.82
*1083011   2014-02-01 20:40:16   Don_Fee   82182   -0.89089797
1083011   2014-02-01 20:40:16   Credit      82182    88.19889903
1081661   2014-02-01 20:34:22   Don_Fee   82172   -0.33584690
1081661   2014-02-01 20:34:22   Credit      82172    33.2488431
1079812   2014-02-01 19:29:17   Don_Fee   82113   -2.85255546
1079812   2014-02-01 19:29:17   Credit      82113    282.40298954
1078080   2014-02-01 18:50:45   Don_Fee   82087   -1.73481129

1- 2014-02-01 20:40:16 to 2014-02-02 02:00:47 -> 6 hours without payout?
2- 2014-02-02 02:00:47 to 2014-02-02 14:10:21 -> 12 HOURS earn 48 doges???

Switchercoin can you explain me please? Can you restore my doges or ltc?
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
DogeCoin profit rate is  149.24.
And we still mine litecoin !
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
How can I cash out my Dogecoins now that we are mining Litecoins?
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
it tells you why in their twitter feed. Right now mining ltc directly makes the most sense.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
I have been using Switchercoin after mining LTC directly with I was initially very happy with the profits compared to LTC, with a 900 kh/s rig. Since 1/31 I have gone from ~0.4-0.5 LTC/Day down to 0.25-0.2 LTC/Day. I will be switching to tonight. Now it's mining LTC directly? why?
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Now we mine Litecoin, because all other coins have zero profit.
Hi Bortmehanic, thank you for running an excellent pool with a very good idea.  I was getting good profits a week ago, but now get about the same as mining LTC directly, when I mine Dodge on Switchercoin.

I have been mining POTCOIN now instead.  I should be getting minimum 1 LTC per day, from my 2MH/s rig, depending on the exchange.  Some days I got better, depending on difficulty.

POT is a new coin, but I think it has a good purpose that a very large number of people understand and relate to, so it has a good natural market, and seems to have a strong community adoption.

I doubt there are good enough exchanges for you to use POT on Switchercoin yet, but it is worth watching.
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1003
The pool was mining DOGECOIN, it's random rewards, so sometime you get lucky, sometimes you don't. There were days where profit was more than double of LTC, so of course there are days where profit isn't that great. Overall I've made more on this pool than I would have with LTC pool, so I'm happy.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
What about the 42coins how can i make a withdraw? Or am I missing something?
full member
Activity: 153
Merit: 100
Now we mine Litecoin, because all other coins have zero profit.
full member
Activity: 153
Merit: 100
I withdrawn litecoins from my accaount with following details:
TX #   Date   TX Type   Payment Address   Block #   Amount
3754868   2014-01-29 08:43:59   Debit_ATP   Lanojz4ekRtR4fPk4BTFhytfL64krHV vUm  -0.57355702139533

and i still did not receive it. can you sort it out?
my account is mar69theone.
redownload blocks
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
I withdrawn litecoins from my accaount with following details:
TX #   Date   TX Type   Payment Address   Block #   Amount
3754868   2014-01-29 08:43:59   Debit_ATP   Lanojz4ekRtR4fPk4BTFhytfL64krHV vUm  -0.57355702139533

and i still did not receive it. can you sort it out?
my account is mar69theone.
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