My points are that however much Russians insist on claiming to be the King of the Victims of Communism
1) the USSR was the result of overwhelming Russian support for the Bolshevik revolution and subsequent obedience thereof
There is no overwhelming support among the Russians of the Bolshevik Revolution. In Juri Lina's book, you will realize why.
The Bolshevik revolution was actually 85% extremist Jewish and the financiers (Jacob Schiff , etc) were Jewish so the Soviet Union, at face value, was a primarily Jewish enterprise. But we know now, it might have been because these greedy financiers happened to be Jewish & they were only manipulating the innate hatred of their fellow minority Jews so they could be used to terrorize the Russians (just like they are manipulating now the inferiority complex of the Ukrainians to hate the Russians).
More than a 100 million Russians were killed by the Soviets to make the Russians obey. Calculations predict that Russia should have a 300 million population by now if the Soviet Union did not interrupt its normal history.