You haven't learned much from history, have you? Socialsm will slowly bring in corruption, misallocation of resources and demise of productivity.
Please read my message again. Maybe I'm wrong but I haven't seen any mentions of socialism there. It seems that you don't understand a difference between state capitalism and socialism. But we can talk about socialism, if you wish so.
Liberalism will slowly bring in corruption, misallocation of resources and demise of productivity.
Fixed that for you.
Liberalism concept won't work ever, because a liberal society is unsustainable. It quickly degenerates into an oligarchy during the process of wealth distribution, see USA or any european democracy for proper examples. It has always been like that, no exception - this is human nature.
It has always been like that, no exception - this is human nature.
Sorry, but this statement is baseless.
Liberalism is both practically and theoretically unsustainable due to transitional nature of such system. Unlike liberalism, a pure socialism is theoretically sustainable, but requires a lot of very hard work on planning. In order to be sustainable, a pure socialist economy should be balanced according to this equation:
PQ = Y + TP - S - T
P is the general retail price level;
Q is the quantity of consumer goods and services;
Y is total household income;
TP is transfer payments;
S is household saving;
T is direct household taxes.
Unfortunately, it's very hard to find an exact solution for non-linear system of equations, which represents an optimal plan. There are too many variables so it would take a lot of time, something like 1 billion years, to find an ideal daily plan for USSR-sized economy. Soviet republics tried to balance such economy, but they've used approximation methods to
estimate optimal solution. For a while it worked, but accumulation of deviations happened over time due to high inaccuracy. As the result of disbalance, an economy have fallen into hyperinflation/crisis of overproduction/supply shortage/another critical shit.
It was impossible in the 20th century, but it will be possible in the future because computers performance is growing very rapidly. Performance still isn't enough for solving systems of nonlinear equations with the necessary speed and accuracy... However, quantum computers would be able to accelerate the solution of such problems exponentially, thus making possible to find a plan that would be close to ideal, for the required time.
Why humanity needs this? Answer is simple, due to efficiency purposes. Ideal market economy, which doesn't exist because of the unsustainability of liberalism, theoretically capable of provide efficiency at the level of 0.2-0.3 from the ideal plan. Try to imagine the benefits of economy, working in accordance with the precise plan. We even don't need to find an exactly ideal plan, 10-20% inaccuracy would be more than enough for the dramatical optimization of resources utilization. That's why we should work harder in research of quantum systems. Potential benefits of these systems is huge and would solve a lot of problems.
While pure socialist economy isn't yet possible due to technical limitations of modern computing systems, a state capitalism is the best option. This approach has repeatedly proven to be effective in practice, it sometimes called as "capitalism with human face".