This post is just some thoughts on what I think could be an effective UI, probably for future incarnations (or what I am taking the liberty of calling 'campaigns') due to limited time.
First, a list of things which, as a user, I would consider turn-offs.
- appearance of preference for an organization (commercial, political, etc.)
- need to give personal info.
- appearance of data mining (cookies, redirects, etc.)
Next, a concern.
- I like the QR code, and the 'extreme' one that someone posted was pretty cool but I did not like the redirect though. I do have some concern that if it is 'to easy', people will visit the site in the heat of battle from their phone (which is exactly what I did today when the 'extreme QR' was published.) I think it would be generally better if the user visited later, from home, when they are relaxing and more likely to be in front of a laptop or workstation. This so they could focus on the material, take notes, bring up extra browser windows, etc. All things that would help get a handle on Bitcoin from a starting point.
Next, a 'tour'.
It would be nice if the system remembered where the user was in the tour. As best I understand things, this could be accomplished without cookies in the case were a unique, per-user URL is published.
First screen - Some text like:
"We are going to give you actual bitcoin from a pool donated by current users for the purpose of introducing new users to the system. We believe that Bitcoin is revolutionary in many ways and has the potential to have a positive impact in many parts of the world. The more users, the more possible this becomes and that is a major goal of this project.
This is real Bitcoin money (albeit not a whole lot.) It can be converted to USD, EU, RMB, etc, etc using a number of exchange services. Some of the doners obtained the BTC from exchanges using USD, EU, etc. Others ran 'mining rigs' to obtain it.
The amount of money we will give you is based on the size of the pool and the number of recipients. It may vary, and more may be issued to you at a future time. The only thing required to accept this money is an address which is unique for you. This address is associated with a secret key which needs to be protected. There are several ways to obtain such an address:
- Wallet Service (a third-party service maintains your address/secret key on-line.) In some cases, we can obtain this wallet in real time on your behalf for ease of use.
- instawallet
- btccinch
- (yup, us.)
- whatever
- Own Lite Client (In this case your secret key is maintained locally. Not available yet.)
- Own Full Client (You may install the client software on your own machine. In this case, you hold your own private key and participate in supporting transactions in the network, but it is more effort to figure things out.)
- Have address. Send funds to this:
Second screen - Some text like this:
"Now, what can you do with your money? The goal of this page is to demonstrate the ease and flexibility of sending arbitrary amounts of money to different people or groups. We will help dig up an address and encourage you to excersize the transfer methods of the wallet solution you have chosen.
- Donate some or all of it to a cause of your choice. Here are some options that we can think of:
- occupywallstreet:
- wikileaks:
- Donate back to the pool from where these funds were drawn:
- Give it away at random:
- last user who went through this:
- n-th user who went through this:
- send it to this address:
- do nothing with it...I'll figure it out later.
Note that it is possible for someone to send you funds, or that we will make an adjustment when this campaign is finished. You may wish to attach your address to a service like
- bitcoinnotify
- whatever
so you can be alerted if this happens.
OK, I'm tired of this now. Basically warnings about not trusting people, where to get further info, etc, etc.
One more thing. I like the way Google technical references and bitcoinity have expandable sections for further descriptions. I find this very usable, and possibly nice for something as complex as trying to describe Bitcoin to a new user.