This is what gamblers should know, that if you are lucky and win, withdraw your money and leave only little to gamble with next time. The second one is that if you are losing, stop gambling for the day and wait for the next day or wait for later when you will not gamble because you lose. While gambling, greediness should be taken away because this is what that happens to most gamblers that win but want to win more and continue to gamble.
In reality when there is continuous winning, the gambler continues to gamble out of greed. One out of ten might have the right understanding and take a break out of satisfaction. Whether one is on the winning streak or losing, it is good to take a break. When you take break, it lets the gambler to analyse the gambling activity and move forward.
Even if one isn't able to have patience, he/she should have the control over the funds, because we don't know how far the person gonna be lucky or not. Most of the time even the person who have got good self control, losses patience when the bets continuously fails.