Interestingly experts have even bigger losses as well. A friend of mine turned 4k dollars into nearly 180k dollars, he thought that's enough for him, he bought a nice car (Mercedes s series, it is so awesome) and for the rest he just put some back into crypto and the rest into savings account. What happened? He bought 60k dollars worth of a token that was obviously a scam, and got scammed, how can someone who was smart enough to turn 4k into 180k ended up getting scammed on the most obvious way?
Well, he wasn't caring anymore, he was just idling by and didn't have the hunger. That's the most important thing when you are in the crypto world, to have that hunger. If you do not care and do not check then even when people around you warn you, you still do the wrong thing.
That is usually what happens when you reach a goal in your life until you find another goal. He probably wanted that car for a long time, couldn't even imagine how he could buy one since it is expensive and he didn't had the money for it, so when he reached to a point where he could buy that, then he didn't had any goals left. That is what happened to me back in the day, I wanted something and then after 5-6 months of hard work I got it, it took me like 16 hours of work for 5 months, 7 days a week, non-stop hard work.
It was hell at first, got used to it at one point but when I finally got it, my life became empty and meaningless because I had zero goals left. Nowadays I have another goal, probably not a good goal at all right now (build a mining rig without overpaying) and that is what I am working towards, before that it was really boring and I would have lost a lot of money as well if I had any.