Actually people's learn from mistake. Those mistake I did began, I am realizing now. That's why I want to share it. Perhaps everyone will not agree with me. Every traders have few favorite coins. It's normal fact, but don't love too much any coin it's my logic.
I don't want to mention but I have lost many btc just one coin. Just think it will go more up and didn't sold. In a result price dropped 4X. So I want to say don't love any coin, just sale when you are in profit and go another coin or wait for drop price again and buy it. It's very difficult to recover once drop an Altcoin. One more thing, don't invest your all fund on single coin. It will loss more, who know it will up or drop.
2017,during the last bull run, I didn’t lose anything. When the price got very high to $19,500, a lot of experts started predicting that there will be a fall. Though I was a bit greedy and wanted to continue to hold cause I believed that the uptrend will continue, but I changed my mind and decided to withdraw and after I did that, the market began to collapse. Bitcoin is always my favorite, but I still trade altcoins.