Why Does My Investment Scheme Survive and Ponzi's Crash?
In my investment scheme the input is greater than the output, resulting in a profit. In Ponzi's it is the other way around, output is greater than the input, resulting in a loss and the collapsing of the Ponzi. When the input is higher than the output that means that I will never have to reach into my pocket to pay anyone and therefore have no reason to scam anyone. The longer I run this the more YOU make, the longer I run this the more I make. Why would I cheat myself out of profits by ending this?
Double Your Money, #1 Investment Scheme, Payments Guaranteed (NOT A PONZI)!!
Send BTC To
BE FIRST...GET PAID FIRST!How Does This Work? There Are 3 Investment Categories To Choose From: 0.01 and 0.05 BTC and 0.1 BTC
Step1: Deposit either 0.01 or 0.05 or 0.1 BTC
Step2: Post your transaction ID in this thread along with the username of the member you want to invest under, if you don't care under which member you go then just write "anyone" in your post.
Spet3: When another 3 people deposit under you in the same category. You will get paid double (200%) on your investment.
Member 1 will get paid after 3 people go under his name and pay the chosen investment amount. Once member 1 achieves to get 3 people invest under him, he will be paid double the money which he invested in the first place (0.02 BTC payout). It goes like this forever, you invest under other people, they invest under you, you get paid.
You can choose who to invest under, so let me know who you are investing under or if you don't care who it is just write "anyone" in your post and I will decide who your investment will go under.
Very Easy Profit!
•Fully Transparent Transaction System. Every Transaction can be seen on this thread.
•You get paid when 3 people invest under you in the same category.
•Not automatic but we ALWAYS pay. We are the ONLY pyramid scheme that pay on time. Payment always made before 23:59 GMT.
•Send Minimum 0.01 BTC