You are 100% correct, and as i said i am averaging due to the mh/s i put out but im also assuming that (unless for some reason my graphics card is highly inneficient and produced 50% stale shares) other peoples shares submitted will also be in line with the hashrate they produce to get my value.
Having the percentage of mh/s i had is directly linked to the shares i produce, even if it half of what i calculated, theres still a massive discrepancy - but liek you said, hopefully Jim will be along to clarify.
So my 810mh/s was 5% of the pools hashrate at the time 5% of 50 BTC was 2.5 BTC - lets say my card magically turned itself off for 50% of that, it would still be 1.25 BTC - there is no way in hell, unless the pool didnt recognise i was subitting shares that i would ever get 0.2BTC.
I presume something has gone wrong calcuation wise as instant payout is disabled due to "payout error" on the site, at a guess, it is he distributed, as he said the block earnings manually by himself when he got excited at the 3rd block rolling in, i can only assume that he distributed evely to the people hashing at that time.
Excellent point, I only contributed to the 3rd block so far so I'm still awaiting payout however I have my numbers for shares submitted so we will see if it matches. The downside of him having a math error like this (assuming there is one) is he may have no way to correct for said error without buying BTC or playing a ponzi scheme of sorts until he catches up in the future using fees (which are quite small per block right now, but will surely grow)