Replying only to stop the misinformation.
1.No need to signup to anything or register an account.I'm not sure how bitlotto works on this point.
No need to register for mine either. Yours does require people to contact you and you then you list who has entered. Mine is anonymous.
2.At the moment as it's run by just me at the moment (1 man setup), I can help people resolve things in an effective way (in the best way that I can anyway).Once this expands things will run a lot smoother and better :-)
We respond to feedback too!
3.Things are always adapting to user feedback and things overall are improving.Once I can get assistance for random selection process things will be a lot better. For now I have to make do with this random number generator: It lets me ensure that random numbers are generated in a way that it chooses from all the lottery tickets bought,instead of say picking no1000 when only 500 lottery tickets were bought so that issue is addressed.The range will be set to how many tickets were actually bought (if less than 500) to keep things fair for all of those who entered.Yes unscrupulious admins may cheat the system but I've shown myself to be honest on here so I will continue to demonstrate this by issuing screen grabs to ensure that things stay fair/transparent.
You just admitted that it can be cheated but your not going to. For something that happens online, how are people to know? Why not use a method that can't be cheated?
4.The cost per entry is much lower than bitlotto as it says :"Send any amount as long as it is a multiple of 0.25 BTC to the Bitcoin address listed for the draw. (Double Check) Each draw has a different address for sending payments. Each ticket is 0.25 BTC
Yup, each of our tickets are 0.25. Unless you enter a pool. In that case, the BitLotto Pirate Pool is 0.1 min payment. All people in the pool then share the winnings which is at least 300 BTC (my guess for June).
5.My lottery is much simpler and more transparent than bitlotto as every entrant is listed in this post along with their ticket number so everyone who has questions to ask can simply say:'ah,I'll just look at the list of entries" instead of being left in suspense as to who entered and who won.
They pay, and then if they win, it just shows up. I'd argue mine is even more simple. I'm not sure how yours is more transparent though?
And you really should warn people about ewallets. You tell people to pay to 1Dd8ZWThgFW97toK7kvrbVLpiNBQPTaheJ without any warning. Or are you going to wait for people to pay then contact you? I don't think that will work. I bet that one day you'll get one payment with two or more people contacting you saying they paid. You'll be stuck with no way of proving who it was.
6.This is meant to appeal to some people outside the BTC world by not using ridiculously complex things that use the blockchain to 'pick numbers'.Someone please link me to the thread that explains this stuff so I can learn about it.
8.There will be a greater diversity of games.This was built into the beginning of this where each round is different in someway like costs of entries,diverse jackpots and diverse styles of the games so no game will be boring and stale.
Great! Should be interesting.
9.The games are run in a democratic way where every user feedback is considered and taken into account.I'll also respond to users as well in a way that fully automated game admins don't always respond to.
Since you comparing to BitLotto, in which way have we not responded well to our users?
Anyways, good luck on your lottery.
How many ticket have sold? 1Dd8ZWThgFW97toK7kvrbVLpiNBQPTaheJ (the address listed for the draw) appears to be used for other things and has BTC coming and going. It appears to be a personal Bitcoin address.
Hi bitlotto
I had no intention to misinform people.I simply didn't realise the full info on bitlotto.Anyway I shall reply to the points raised.
1.My lotto only requires people to send entries and contact me simlpy because this is a very new operation with very little in the way of advanced tools.Once I have a volunteer programmer (struggling to find someone willing to code me an automatic solution for entries and random selection at the moment.
2.This wasn't a critique of bitlotto,this is simply a general statement about how the lotto responds to people.
3.In reponse to your response about anti-cheat measures,well the current solution can be messed with by an unscrupulous admin but this is only a temporary system (due to the issues raised at no1 reponse to your point) and 2nd I've demonstrated that I am reputable and will continue to do so. Why is this difficult for people to understand? I'm not a scammer and I never will be. In real life people know me in person when I've had business dealings done with them.On here people know about my successfull trades (look in my post history and you'll see) and not once have I ever attempted to scam anyone on here (and in real life).Also the methods you advocate for anti-cheat system are too complex to implement and will cost me more in time to do so than keeping things fair in other ways. In my defence there are other methods to avoid cheating besides the blockchain.How do you think lottos are run in real life and on other sites outside the BTC world? Think of UKs The national lottery (and you'll see)
4.By keeping things simple,you can be more transparent by listing all entries and dealings on here for all to see.Simplicity means no use of code and a reliable/reputable person for book keeping.I admit that this can be a little long winded for me.i want to implement better measures but I have no programming skill.I'm trained as a professional filmmaker (my degree isn't in programming lol).
4b.I'll add advice about e-wallets.As I use a personal address, I felt that people can use any system universally.For me having a universal method to recieve entries is better. Yes this is a personal address (this is only temporary and changes each round) however I'm testing out bitpay as well so that things can be automated and will help reduce the chances of dishonest people claiming they've paid when they haven't. This is in progress (the migration).It asks for your email so it can send you a recipt but it will not spam anyone.
5.Thanks for the link detailing how blockchain selection works.I'll read it soon
6.Thanks for your interest.I plan to give people a vote as to what type of game they want to play on each new round.
7.Again,this is simply a general statement and not a criticism of bitlotto.
8.The address being used for other purposes and transactions going in and out.I simply sent personal funds into the exchange (from a different address on the laptop) and had no intention of mixing up entries of the lotto.I think this must have happened while I was doing some house keeping on the laptop.I'll look into this.No money has been lost as a result of this and all entries still count.
9.See the list for ticket holders and how many have sold.
I hope this addresses your points bitlotto.Anything else just contact me via PM or on here.
If you want the games to be successful,encourage others to try them out if you feel your points have been addressed to your liking.If not,just contact me and I'll reply.
Only 17 days to go before the round finishes, enter now.Who knows,the winner could be you