You're wrong. In a defamation suit the burden of proof is on the plaintiff to prove the statements made are provably false and resulted in damages by the defendant. Forum members giving their opinion about another member are protected under the First Amendment, because they are just expressing their opinion.
Thats is wrong.It depends on the jurisdiction where the DT member lives.In Canada as example you don't need to proof anything.
Also proofing that you didn't scammed anyone or even tried to scam anyone wouldn't be difficult where even these DT members confirmed they made the negative feedbacks not for scamming.
Giving an opinon is protected by law and free speach correct.But marking a member as scammer is no free speach anymore expecially not when its being displayed on every of his thread.
Marking has nothing to do with free speach
None of your reviews claim that you scammed, or tried to scam. They express the opinion of the reviewer, that you are an unhinged internet troll, which (in their opinion) makes you untrustworthy. None of that is defamatory because it cannot be proven false.
But claiming suchmoon scammed another member is defamatory; because it was an obvious lie intended to damage the reputation of suchmoon. Do you see the difference?
Well here you said it yourself. No claim of scammed or tried to scam. Does not pass the threshold test for red trust. I do not feel that people who post things like this and all the other "experts" there who cry if you are not polite to them and use their correct username you are a troll, and yet celebrate and raise money for a rap of TMANS sexual deviance "trolling" likely caused by abuse by his parents.
I'm not sure where those experts, burger flippers and double standards fools get to decide on who sounds more insane out of thule or tman.
Can you present some insane posts from thule here because they will likely turn out to be some kind of pissed off expression at getting as he perceives it trust abused and ridiculed.
"an obvious lie" you say? I do not agree. Someone that openly includes observable liars, scammers, probable extortionists and shady escrows on to DT are likely capable of not paying for some mining equipment. So it looks to me as if it was the actions of an honest member asking if he should alert the entire community.
NOW suchmoon seems rather concerned and pushing for more red.
What I think DT need to be MORE worried about is
knowingly DEFENDING observable liars and scammers and probable extortionists and shady escrows and ensuring through their inclusions they get into positions of trust and leaving the board vulnerable and possibly even
facilitating scams here.
If it can be argued (which it likely can because the evidence has been presented many times to them personally in multiple threads) these DT members and even ADMIN were made aware of these prior super worrying instances of lying and scamming, extortion etc and they assisted in the red trust removal of those kinds of untrustworthy members, and deliberately included them into positions of trust. If those positions of trust were leveraged and found to be prime contributors to pulling the scam off and lots of people losing money..... then you see how that could look. Refusing to red trust, them, including them in DT, even insisting their scam tags are REMOVED... looks like you are all complicit in anything they pull in future.
You have all had plenty of observable instances pushed under your noses about several DT members and their untrustworthy bordering on criminal behaviors and it looks to us like you are all colluding with them to give them a clean slate and let them appear super trustworthy 300 green trust no less.
That's how they may all be liable in the end for this corrupt behavior. The negative feedback we have was left because we tried to warn members about these observable instances as to protect them from future scamming... they are using the red to silence whilstle blowers. Doubly damning for them if the shit hits the fan.
I think they will be held liable. Can't say it will be a shame either. Time to put the garbage out.