This is exactly the points of promotions which is to reach out for the mass potential customers that havent registered and try the site. There is really no reason to keep a customer staying by giving all those free stuff. In the online gambling business, as long as the site never delay payment and it gives decent amount of rakeback especially to those that wagers alot then people are staying
in recent times, due to online casinos having created things like vip accounts and their benefits, many people started to focus on obtaining the highest level of account, even if in the process of reaching the highest level of account, they generated a lot of damage , the logic of these people is that by having the highest level VIP account then they would already be having many long-term benefits and with that it would end up covering all the losses and they would be profiting, with this thought people run a lot to casinos that offer high benefits for vip accounts, the problem arises when after these people have already managed to get the high level vip account
the casino reduces the benefits of vip accounts, this causes frustration (something unnecessary in my opinion because casinos are not a source of income) and then they start complaining about the casino all over the internet and this scares new customers, in my opinion must always choose to create some long-term benefit, something they know that when they offer to customers they will not change so soon, there is no point in offering high bonuses when they are unsustainable in the long term and then even if they get many customers early because they had the opportunity offer high benefits, when high benefits become unsustainable customers disappear. Is much better to offer long term things