I am still not convinced that they get a lot of new users with all these twitter promotions. A lot of sites do the same on Twitter, so it is hard to stand out and while it is a good tool to keep the current users motivated, I doubt it attract new players but I can be wrong offcourse lol. It would be interesting to see numbers on this.
Well even if it doesnt really attract new players, the impression of that tweet should be massive enough. Having constant presence of impression through social media is one of a hell of a job to maintain in marketing department and if by giving these giveaways they could maintain it then I dont see how they should stop doing it anytime sooner
Given the numbers that Toptort shared, it seemed that they get a lot of exposure would these tweets so they will probably not stop doing this anytime soon. Social media is very important nowadays for any company so it is logic they put attention to it. I think they are looking to also go viral with some tweets but for that, they will need to do something else than a simple give away