Winning small but gradually and continuously repeat it will help you to increase balance.
If we start from the principle that we always have to win more and lose less to be able to make profits in games of chance, then in practice we are saying that:
one needs to win a lot of money in a few games and lose a little money in many games. for example in the case of someone going to a casino and playing with slots, if that person wins a lot of money in a few spins, then he must reduce the amount he was playing in each spin and withdraw all profit and leave the principal. but for this, at the beginning of the game, it is inevitable that the person takes a little risk with considerable values.
It is key to manage your fund, to manage your risk and profit in trading, investment or gambling. People can not win all times and if you don't save your capital after one big win, then use all of it to bet again, if your luckiness goes away, you will lose all.
True, but there are hundreds of cases where people manage to win and withdraw all funds and leave the principal but then lose everything and re-deposit more money from the profit they had withdrawn, casinos Is something all or nothing. won big and left for good or keep losing until one day give up and look at it as fun, there are only these two options