Just a note, Develcuy messaged me and told me he didn't receive an email, but was still interested. I reinstated his role in ongoing and he will update his roles in HR.
Hi HB,
I see some news about the reconstructuring. Im one of an old DVC followers , even if I didnt submit an article to devtome. I want to attend reconstructuring in a different way if you permit.
There are so much signature campaigns around and a few avatar campaigns. And I think , they can be used to advertise Devcoin. There was before signature link payments for advertising shares IIRW. It can be reinstated in a new way.
Here what I offer:
1-) I -we- can start a signature campaign for DVC. Especially for low level rank members , (Junior and members only maybe). We can give some DVC per post and pay monthly( Also can be paid weekly but it takes more time to do that)
2-) We can also start an avatar campaign for DVC. Afaik, there are a few logos for DVC already. and maybe 2-3 avatars can be made for thsi campaign. This offers only valid for FM and above since avatars available to only FM or above.
I can operate these both campaigns if you wish. I can produce google docsheet to follow participants of campaigns. Define the rules (can decide altogether)
Since I have a few millions DVC, I can manage campaign w/o getting DVC from you first. After each month , I can get paid from advertising shares or some DVC holders.
I look forward to hearing back from you sooner about campaigns.