If I may, I'd like to submit this installer for the remaining bounty:
http://media.andarazoroflove.org/Devcoin-Installer.exeThis is a commercial-grade installer, creates shortcuts on the Desktop for Devcoin and has a brief intro to Devcoin in its about dialog.
It has full uninstall support and is built using the Devcoin and devcoind binaries from the official Devcoin site. It also contains a link back to Devcoin. Feedback is appreciated, nearly every item in the installer can be customized and I hear by pledge to maintain the installer upon future releases of the client.
For anyone with Windows, please test this installer, the first informative post (at least 50 words) gets 2 shares, and the second 1 share. Once someone posts that they used the installer successfully, Shakezula will get the bounty.
I ran it through Virustotal and only one thing flagged it as a trojan (Dr. Web). The anti-virus on my computer doesn't hate it either. Installer seems to run fine, accesses the same %appdata files as my previous installation. Seems to be making connections and has an accurate count on the blocks according to the devcountdown site. I'm going to do a faucet test, and will update this post when I get results (EDIT: which depending on if this faucet really does only pay out on the end of the round may be a very, very, very long time).
Edit: Also noticed the same bug that the label field for each address gets cut off so I can't see the text, just a very thin strip at the top, and maybe a few pixels of the characters.
Edit: Just ran the unintaller after backing up my wallet, then restarted my computer. It left all the %appdata files, which is good for not deleting your wallet.dat file. Might be something to mention in an uninstall dialogue in case people want to remove all traces from their computer so they at least know where to look. I've just reinstalled the client and everything looks normal.
On an unrelated note, I've noticed that the dvc client always takes a proportionally really long time to load, especially considering its size and (at least superficial) simplicity.