Finally, I managed to beat mysteries of Apple Mac OSX and build a version of EAC wallet for this operating system. I have only one Apple computer (OSX Lion), so I please any Mac Users to test the wallet and give me a feedback before releasing the upgrade 1.5.3 for all platforms. Thx.
Links for download of the new Mac OSX version of EAC wallet:!Ff4FlCgK!aOKcKGK0mO-k0i4RWtvGEIjqPdQnrxdyFYo8O2MD7Ss
Hello Sandokaaan, good to hear you made progress on the Mac OSX wallet Looking forward for the 1.5.3 version for Windows and linux.
So Mac users please test the 1.5.3 version and send your feedback to Sandokaaan.
dddlaosiji maybe you could forward the request within the chinese EAC community, Thnx!