Now what if it happens somewhere around that time. A lot of stocks will go down, also the house market will go down into the ground and buying a house with a mortgage will be with sky-high interest.
If and I say IF it happends will it be a good idea to buy bitcoin before the crash or will bitcoin crash like the others. There are a lot of factors going on. Like Renting a place out for the BTC miners ECT it will have a expensive tag to run and operate the blockchain during a crash.
Anyone any toughs? Also where are you going to put your BTC/cash into?
I mean just look at the house market here in the Netherlands. It skyrocketed so fast.
Lets take a look at the stock market from all over the world. This is a period of 52 weeks (1 year) as you can see almost all market exchanged went down some points. Except for a few e.g Russia. What russia has bin doing the last decade is buying 200 tonnes of gold every year. I'm not a economic guru, but I can safely say that this is not okay.