Lets face it, there's a colossal gap between the rich and the poor, and that gap is certainly getting wider. But whose to blame in this economic inequality? Is it the government that favors capitalist who contributed large amount during their campaign periods? Is it our constitution that institutionalized the practice of contractualization and other forms of labor flexibilization, hence undermining job security? Like a joke from my previous job, "If you are not a regular employee, you are casual. And after 5 or 6 months, your employer says TY (Thank You) to you which makes you a casualTY. Can we blame capitalist that hoard as much wealth as possible leaving only a thin slice of the .pie for the average guy to share among themselves?
First, I object to the concept of people as "workers". "worker" is just a euphemism for "serf" or even "slave". People should take responsibility for their own lives and stop looking for other people to support them. If people approached work not as employment, but as self-employment, they would be much better off.
Second, the claim that capitalists "hoard as much wealth as possible" is odd, since the most successful capitalists hoard very little of their wealth. Instead they utilize it to increase their wealth.
I believe the reason for the disparity is that it takes money to make money and thus people with wealth are able to increase their wealth more than those without. If income disparity has increased, it is probably due to technology increasing the efficiency of using money to make money.
I think it is very apparent that the solution to the problem of income disparity in the past has been revolution. Unfortunately, the ability of people to revolt against their subjugators has been diminished by the growth of government, which ironically also has resulted in the institutionalized corruption that has contributed to this income disparity. In order to eliminate income disparity, there must be a revolution of some kind, and in order to achieve a successful revolution, the size of the government must be reduced. Unfortunately, the people that suffer from income disparity are the majority and they tend to believe that more government is a solution to the problem, when the truth is that big government perpetuates the problem and prevents the revolution.
I believe that Bitcoin may be the revolution we are looking for. Governments certainly see it that way. Just look at how they approach it -- with fear and trepidation. They know how dangerous it is to them.