response to Parity hack
What have happened?
2017.07.19 — Parity multi-sig wallets written by Gavin Woods (ex. CTO of Ethereum Foundation) got hacked due to a small bug in the code. Technically speaking, this hack put at risk all the Ethereum tokens which are stored in these multi-signatures. Since Parity is an industry standard, that’s almost every Ethereum project and major crypto exchanges.
And it happened!
How large damage is?
At that night, it all got hacked. Most of ‘multi-sig’ wallets got ‘successfully hacked’ by whitehackers.
Source: 3 Ethereum projects did not make it to the white-hack list: Edgeless Casino, Æternirty and Swarn City.
Æternirty: City: we, the Edgeless Project. We confirm a loss of 26 793 ETH ( 5.6 mill $ ) which are held by the hacker: does it mean to Edgeless Project?
Gladly we diversified our funds right after an ICO and we have a sufficient amount to run the project. Additionally we got our funds when ETH was 15$ — 50$ per unit and now ETH price is way much higher which covers our hacked loss. It means our platform launch will be happening in Q3. However, we made some changes in our dapp structure. From now it will be purely ran on EDG tokens, since a large part of our ETH was supposed to be our casino’s bankroll.
That means, if players want to gamble on our platform, they will need to get EDG tokens.
What will you do with Gavin Woods and Parity?
Edgeless, Æternirty and Swarn City formed a group to address this question. It will be announced in a near future.