As I wrote early ( - it is bad idea to pay bounty to translators for moderation - 5 stakes per 1 post in their local thread.
Esspecially Russian local thread. Russians are spammers.
Let's see result !
Read theese russian posts (I translated for you to understand (bold)):
eng: Why did you get spammed 10 pages, he can not find your answer now.
Я тoпикcтapтepy oбeщaл жe вeткy paздyть, нaдeюcь тoкeнoв пoтoм xoть нeмнoгo oтcыпeт пoдлeц.
eng: I promised translator that I will distend russian thread. Hope, he will share some EDG tokens for me.
Я тoжe мoгy пoмoчь в этoм нeлeгкoм дeлe ecли нaдo кoнeчнo
eng: I can also help in this difficult matter, if necessary of course
Not fair. Check please.
This is what happens in many ICOs which gives out bounty for translations especially stakes for moderation and posts. I have personally emailed the Edgeless support concerning the matter. Additional stakes for moderation and other posts should be removed and perhaps major languages such as Russian, Chinese, Spanish, etc should be given 10 to 20 additional stakes. That is it. No stakes for moderation and other users posts. This seems like the only way to stop spammers and greedy bounty hunters.
Maybe you're right