
Topic: Eesti (Estonian) - page 6. (Read 119474 times)

Activity: 2114
Merit: 1015
March 27, 2014, 02:03:13 AM
I am the owner of, domain names  and I want to  let you know that i am releasing the domains on the open market as I don't have time for development.

Mõttetu squatter oled. Kedagi ei koti nii haledad domeeninimed Cheesy
sr. member
Activity: 833
Merit: 267
March 26, 2014, 11:48:04 AM
Hi all, Google tõlkida, loodan, et see on ok

Olen omanik, domeeninimede ja ma tahan, et sa teaksid, et ma olen vabastades domeene avatud turul ei ole mul aega arenguks.

Ma mõtlesin, et teatada teile kõigepealt, äkki olete huvitatud tugevamaks oma asutuse ja parandada seo.

Kui olete huvitatud ostmisest domeen, võtke minuga ühendust ja ma vastame nii kiiresti kui võimalik.
  Sel ajal nii domeenid on koos afililate ümbersuunamisi. Ma ei taha, et sa klikkima linki, kui see ei ole minu eesmärkidel, ma lihtsalt turundus minu domeeninimed.

 And the english version:

Hi all,  Google translate, hope it is ok

I am the owner of, domain names  and I want to  let you know that i am releasing the domains on the open market as I don't have time for development.

I was thinking to announce you first, maybe you are interested in strenghten your authority and improve seo.

If you are interested in buying the domain, please contact me and i will reply as soon as possible.
 At this time both domains are with afililate  redirects . I don't want you to click on any link as this is not my purpose, I  am just marketing my domain names.
hero member
Activity: 803
Merit: 500
February 21, 2014, 05:39:45 AM
Dear Estonian Bitcoiners,

If you have any question or need forum support for I am here for you. Also I will communicate news from our marketplace in this thread to keep you up-to-date. is the oldest and biggest bitcoin-marketplace of Europe.

One news is you can sort the offers on our marketplace due to the bank. If you choose a bank of the same group as your bank, the trade should be processed faster.


our international forum:
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
January 25, 2014, 09:16:54 AM
Greetings fellow Estonians, I am a representative of a new upcoming project that MIGHT influence the Eastern European market with a new crypto-currency but with a huge factor of implementation due to having contacts in Estonia through politics and less risk of being subjected by jurisdications since the country is relatively small both wise of population and regulation.

I am currently living in London since it has the most seminars to attend surrounding cryptocurrencies of their integration throught the Western civilization but I am originally from Estonia. The co-founder has the idea to present on this forum a new crypto but we need enthusiastic, ambitious individuals who have the desire to go out of their way to promote such a thing in different countries before the public announcement. We have a starting team of promoters, a few of programmers and major 2 potential companies who can adapt such a commodity.

What we need is just the trust, interest that can spark the market resulting in a change that many people are discussing such as De-centralized economies and governments. Think of this as an experiment that many people in my team and such as myself are willing to take apart to make a difference.

Anyone who are intrigued, do not hesitate to PM me or start a discussion on this post.

We would prefer to find such people who are based in London and Tallinn since certain members will go back and forth to expand the concept but accept anyone with the same passion as us. We are looking out for good coders who are aware on how to reverse engineer the source code and make it work under new design but this post is mainly looking out for coders located in Estonia, Tallinn.

Best regards,
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1015
December 26, 2013, 07:33:10 AM
Seni kuni Eestis olin elasin ka Tartus pikemat aega (aga nüüd olen 2 viimast aastat Colombias elanud).

Vead narkot?
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
December 25, 2013, 03:16:20 PM
Seni kuni Eestis olin elasin ka Tartus pikemat aega (aga nüüd olen 2 viimast aastat Colombias elanud).
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
December 15, 2013, 01:01:13 PM
mis oma server? trading site?
Esialgu mining site: wdc,alf,dem,gdc jne.
Ei ole niipalju aega,et koodi kribada trading site jaoks võibolla kunagi tulevikus.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1015
December 15, 2013, 07:32:25 AM
Tahaks teada kas on mõtekas teha enda server?
Mul on halb kogemus ,ei olnud küll suur häving(3btc) aga ikkagi.
Praegu proovin aga see on arendusjärgus ja jubib.

mis oma server? trading site?
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
December 15, 2013, 04:53:25 AM
Tahaks teada kas on mõtekas teha enda server?
Mul on halb kogemus ,ei olnud küll suur häving(3btc) aga ikkagi.
Praegu proovin aga see on arendusjärgus ja jubib.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1015
November 06, 2013, 04:14:52 AM
Tegelen eestlastele mõeldud infosaidi arendamisega krüptovaluutade kontekstis. Kavatseme hakata regulaarselt välja andma artikleid, et suurendada eestlaste teadlikkust. Hiljem plaanis ka ärilahendusi pakkuma hakata. Hetkel on hea võimalus kõigil käesoleva foorumi eesti kasutajatel meiega liituda. Anna endast meie foorumis märku. Ehk oled ka ise huvitatud vahel mõne artikli kirjutamisest?
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
banned but not broken
November 05, 2013, 11:35:57 PM
Eestlaste jaoks eraldi tehtud bitcoin foorum:
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1015
October 21, 2013, 08:56:02 AM
keegi bitcoini spetsiifilist tarkvara ka arendab?
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
October 21, 2013, 08:45:16 AM
Teree meie väike pere! Ma olen entusiast juba jaanuarist alates. Tegin online pokkeriga lõpparve ja kolisin oma vabanenud ajaga bitcoini üle. Muidu paiknen Tallinnas aga tegelt Tartust pärit ja tuleb ette, et mõned nädalavahetuse veedan seal.
Olen oma sõpru ka proovinud bitcoini lainele viia. Paar sõpra oled konksu otsa saanud ka, aga neil kas ei ole raha coine osta või nad ei julge seda eriti alla lükata. Siiani mulle tundub, et selline entusiasm ja bitcoini idesse uskumine on ainult minule külge jäänud ja neile märksa vähem. Toanaaber võttis bitcoini ideest küll kinni aga on nüüd hoopis forexil trade'imisest obsessed.

Loodan, et meid koguneb siia või kuhugi mujale communitisse rohkem. Äkki tekib siis ka mingi kodukeelne arutelu.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1015
September 22, 2013, 07:19:24 AM
Ma ka eestis. Tartus täpsemalt. Keegi veel tartust?
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
September 07, 2013, 03:41:21 PM
Hetkel ei müü, aga tulevikus võib juhtuda.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
July 10, 2013, 12:08:13 PM
Keegi siit bitcoine müüb?
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
June 11, 2013, 07:09:50 PM
it is great thank you for sharing
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1076
June 09, 2013, 10:54:30 AM
Hey Estonians, I'm doing a lecture this week in Kaunas, Lithuania:¬if_t=plan_user_joined
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
May 05, 2013, 06:38:12 PM

Hea näha, et juba omajagu kaasmaalasi siin. Smiley
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
April 27, 2013, 01:42:18 PM
Sooviks osta u 0,6 bitcoini. Kui kellelgi on pakkuda, siis palun võtke ühendust [email protected].
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