We raise their curiosity by putting them in a situation where they will be force to ask what the BTC logo stands for.
For a newcomer with less activity than others, I'll say that you have developed very remarkable than many of us here, perhaps because of the effort you invested in crafting your post. I really appreciate that you took the time to create such a wonderful addition to this community.
However, you really have quite the scheme considering that the cryptocurrency space carries some risk that could affect people, particularly if they are overly curious and don't know where to get accurate information or if they rely on social media as a means of advertisement. We should also be aware that scammers can take advantage of our hard work and mislead those people by presenting a way to make money with cryptocurrency, which would cause them to fall. There is also additional risk associated with storing cryptocurrency and other information that might be difficult to come by.
It's true that a lot of adults and young people are interested in cryptocurrencies, but what keeps them from taking the plunge is that they lack the means to learn about it or even believe it would be too complicated. If we were to start enforcing or explaining to them the decentralization of bitcoin and their ownership of all assets, it might be a little too much for them to understand or accept because most of them are already accustomed to fait and find it to be much easier to use than bitcoin, and being your own boss comes with a lot of learning responsibilities, or would we continue to be of help to them untill they can stand, even so a better remedy to this would be to introduce them to this forum which I know for know is the only bitcoin friendly community wary of scam.
Regarding the second approach, in which you propose incorporating bitcoin into our way of life, I would much rather do so since only in this way can we actually draw people to it—without coercion—because they would genuinely love it by us.
In conclusion, I believe that if any of this strategy is put into practice, we should have a backup plan, a way to get them here, and some time for them to get used to it. They would likely start off acting very foolish, rarely receive much attention, and eventually leave for these reasons.
However, consider all options carefully before acting, as there may be unfavorable consequences.