I only miss 7 hex chars now, 16^7 = 200 million, it's cool, it shouldn't take long.
What i don't understand now is, can i do the process offline? Do i have to setup a your server application on my local pc/server? Do you keep an encrypted database or stuff like that?
In other words, what's the fastest way to check every single seed?
Thank you.
you can do it offline: search until you get the same master public as in your encrypted wallet
note that you will need to follow the 10^5 iterations of key stretching (see stretch_key in the code)
you can gain 10 bits of entropy (a factor 1024 of speed) if you pre-generate all the possible combinations
of 32 bits that are compatible with your 9th word, for the bits 65 to 96 of the key.