Alright... I busted out the heavy duty duct tape this time and got the web server back online
The bubble gum I used last time dried up and broke
Jokes aside, web server should be up and fine for now. Admittedly I've just done a temporary fix and will work on a long term solution to the issue probably this weekend. Keep in mind, as always, that the web server and the pool servers are completely independent of each other and the pool servers rarely have any issues since I've worked pretty hard to get the pool back end stable. The web server side of things has no access to any of the pool servers and just receives copies of the relevant data to its database pushed from the pool servers. It runs on slightly outdated hardware that I'm working on updating as well to improve performance.
Thanks everyone!
On a side note,
I'm looking to do a site and stats visual overhaul to get Eligius's web-side of things to be as good as the the back end. Unfortunately front end stuff is not my area of expertise. If anyone is skilled in that area and is willing to volunteer some time to help with the overhaul please let me know. Specifically I'm wanting to just make the site a real site without relying on obscure URLs for stats and such. or with a visual look that fits the rest of the site kind of like Gateway69 was volunteering with the drupal powered current front page. He's been MIA for a while. I'm not fond of drupal or most preexisting content management systems. Basically I just need some help with a template that I can integrate the stats into along with the main web page data easily and I can take it from there to whip up one nice integrated site. I think it's LONG overdue. Thanks in advance!
yes, this would be nice, otherwise statistics that web site shows is very puzzling, especially with manual payouts.
20:31 pm (yesterday) as of last block 0.1844.... btc. eligius pool at 8866th
estimated change +0.0249.... btc
3:27 pm (today)
manual payout exactly the same the number that was at 20:31 pm yesterday eligius pool at 8785th
estimated change +0.0134.... btc
Question-where is all the hashing that miner did since 20:31 pm went? It is showing nowhere, in fact, estimated change is lower (by 50%) than 17 hours ago.
also, why it hangs out and does not automatically payout at around 0.04-0.05 BTC?
Manual payouts have nothing to do with the estimated change. They just reduce the "As of Last Block" portion to zero, generally, since the stats kind of treat manual payouts as basically a block with no block reward to keep things simple.
There is one address in
the last manual payout that received 0.1844xxxx, which was 1CaEjfFqpqzhzZp9EyEu3tzE34LoByDN2s and it's hashrate dropped in half in the past 24 hours, which would fully explain a halving of the estimated payout. This is easily determined with publicly available data (the manual payout transaction in the block chain and the info provided in your post), so I'm not exposing any private info here using any non-public info.
Edit: Here is a screenshot of that address's hashrate and balance graph. I see no inconsistency.
You'll see the estimated reward line started falling off as soon as the hash rate fell off, until the percentage of shares in the top 25 BTC of the share log being added was evened out with the new hash rate as the old shares were buried. Then a block was found that brought a bunch of those back to the top and since the hash rate was still halved, it taped off and leveled at about half the original amount, again since the hash rate halved.
The green line jumped to indicate the manual payout. Notice the other lines were unchanged. The purple line *just* jumped near the end because we just found a block. Looking again in the next few minutes and the blue line will be jumped above the purple line again based on the shares at the top of the share log, likely all based on the current hash rate since the last round was unlucky and wouldn't un-bury the only shares from a day ago yet. Edit: I stand corrected, it wasn't a terribly unlucky round, so it is once again including some old shares (at the original double hash rate) in the current estimate. Nice.
To answer your last question about why it doesn't always pay at whatever payout level, that's the payout queue growing slightly and delaying payouts a couple of blocks, giving the balance a little longer to grow before it pays out, hence the manual payouts to catch things up.
Most recently some back end tweaks have the coinbaser delayed a little longer than originally when there is a network block change, and causes a few additional blocks to not help the payout queue automatically. This was a safety item to make sure that my new code never double pays. I'd rather have to do an extra manual payout than double pay miners that, historically, won't just give those funds back. Yes, this happened in the past and I paid miners the difference out of pocket since it was my coding error that caused it (all documented somewhere in this giant thread). So, caution is definitely key. I have things mostly back to speed since I've testing my new code to death over the past week or so.
(Edited with additional info)
Final edit: Apologies for going into this so much, and basically calling out a miner, but I greatly dislike it when people try to make it look like the pool or myself is doing something wrong when that's clearly not the case. In this instance saying that the estimated change went down for no reason without mentioning the very important fact that the hash rate had indeed cut in half.