Gayboy. Haha. That's exactly what I thought, but it doesn't matter how good looking you are if you're just a little creepy and awkward/unhinged. Women won't like that. His parents did say he had mental health problems.
Apparently he had aspergers which is a high functioning form of autism. My nephew has aspergers and I can tell you, he's very socially awkward. He has trouble forming relationships with people. He also tends to dwell on the same issue over and over again. Pretty hard to get any decent conversation going with him.
You won't really get far without decent conversation with women. One thing I don't get is why he just didn't go to the nightclub and pray on the really drunk fat ones at the end of the night. They'll give it up to anybody.
So yeah, maybe he was gay.
He wanted the hot girls which he couldn't get and didn't understand. I was amazed at how he thought having a better car and a flashy lifestyle would make him more attractive when really it probably made him even more standoffish. What wowed me the most was how he would stalk people and hate that a ugly guys was with a hot girl and vise versa, he really needed a flesh light or blow up doll instead of a gun..
I'm pretty sure that kind of thinking comes with aspergers. My nephew thinks the same way. He figures wealth and flashy things will get him the attention he wants, even though, he has trouble accepting attention and being close to people.
It's a really weird syndrome to deal with, and I'm talking from the family side of it. I can only imagine the struggles within for a person with aspergers.
People with aspergers have seen his video and concluded he neither had aspergers or autism.
More probable that Eliott had stunted social skills. For instance, despite browsing PUA websites, he himself never embraced the main principle of PUA - mass approach. The most famous pickup artists admit they have to approach dozens of women until they find the one woman who'll say yes. The way to getting women is, frankly, not to give a shi1t about other people's opinions but Eliott cared too much what others thought.
Pickup Artists got banned from a mall in Toronto since they advertise that location to other PUA who then converged on mass and every woman complained about being approached every 30 seconds.
i'm no expert, but i didn't think it seemed like aspergers or autism. schizophrenia, or some egoistical disorder where he enters his own reality apart from the rest of the world make more sense.