At some point you have to ask yourself the most simple question... if spv mining and 0-1 transaction blocks lead to a higher success rate without having a negative impact on the network and its users / miners why wouldn't every pool do it?
Because it negatively impacts the network. As we have seen with SPV mining, there are issues that can occur and cause blockchain forks and weaken Bitcoin. However, I personally don't think empty blocks negatively impact the network. They are typically found within seconds of the previous block, so for transactions, it really is just like a block was found with two block rewards. It doesn't particularly mess with confirmation times and while it would be nice if those blocks included transactions, it doesn't matter (at least for me) that those transactions wait another ten minutes like they should have
I believe you will find as with SPV mining 0-1 block transactions do indeed cause issues when they are the goal. If it were something which happened as a byproduct, as with the early days of mining then it is not having an impact. When pools make a conscious decision and not only this one, but choose to have a mindset geared in this manner it speaks volumes regarding their largest motivation.
Please, give me your opinion from your own research should Elgius have better payouts to their miners?
All things equal and 0-1 transaction blocks, etc but as a pool that still want profits. F2pool is pps and motivated to propagate faster as well, but for their individual profit and if they did not pay pps (again in your opinion) would they have the share of the network they have today?
I do not see any pool which doesn't care about profit or deny caring as any capitalistic enterprise should. IT is what is 'supposed' to keep miners on task.
I see a huge difference in the way pools choose to get there and the payouts to miners.
I also see a huge line in the sand between pools who choose to mine 0-1 transactions and SPV mine versus the ones who do not choose to do either.
Through all of the reading I have done there have been various PPS and PPLNS pools but most of the one's which are no more seemed to share a common history. PPS go broke and cannot pay the miners. There are scams, and over-promising, bad operators, but overall you start seeing it well before they close. PPLNS the same, but variance hits PPS much harder doesn't it? I mean much harder, right? I know you know this but I am talking it out for myself, but the PPS must pay for every share no matter what, and a PPS pool with 1 - 2 PH is almost immediately laughed out of the community starting up these days. If they throw in some other things like the first miner to pop a block gets the 25, or do PPS in combination with DVG I think it is like MMpool, but overall a straight up PPS pool is no more except at F2pool, and now Antpool has the option.
Is it a coincidence those are also two of the largest pools in the network, mining the ways they are? Why did Antpool suddenly employ the PPS option? You can just click and select a 2.5% PPS for your entire account. They are not doing such to lose money. They could have left the price of S5s at $340 and still be making a great profit but the price was jacked to 430ish with freight to the US. They are not making decisions to lose money. They also work together as stated in the F2pool thread by the same owner / operator who said they will not stop. Antpool notified F2pool fairly quick, or was it the other way?
I am not claiming some ultra conspiracy exists. I am stating there are pools whose ultimate priority is to make a profit today no matter how it impacts the overall network, any pools outside their circle of trust, and of course any user by making decisions to cut out time.
When there is a backlog of transactions, the mempool is loaded heavier than it has ever been in the past and for most people the goal is to grow the network and gain adoption the only reason not to include those transactions is to get the block out faster. I think we agree on this, but differ on the the motivation being morally acceptable in our view of what bitcoin is supposed to be.
Being a wishful idealist I want my cake and to eat it with ice cream and pie, which I mean I want profits, and I want a protected network with my pools paying me well and making choices which guarantee the security of a network decades from now.
I think F2pool, Antpool, and a few others care the most about lining their pockets, about how much they can make between now and the halving, and doing it any way possible. These things show intent, and they brag about it.
As you mentioned SPV mining has cause forking issue but MT blocks do not have a negative impact. I still have the same question of if so, why isn't every pool making that choice?