According to the strange system to hold the price on a fixed number, and to spend the newly created coins mostly to the hatchers, do you think there is value for investors?
I see what you're saying but I see it differently. 50% of newly released eMu will go to the hatchers and 50% to the current holders, which is fair considering bitcoin miners get 100% of their mined coins. The actual distribution of these eMu's will be distributed based on the 'mining' they do and each hatcher is restricted to a tree of connected peers. What also makes it interesting is its features that have the capability of promoting massive growth (and therefore demand) which won't compete with current cryptocurrencies but will (if successful) work better with another cryptocurrency.
ROI will come from a possible price rise (the system aims to reduce volatility, not suppress the price) but mostly from new adoption, therefore more eMu. eMunie will appeal more to merchants due to the more stable price and this will induce the network effect that other innovative platforms have received.
You also mention that it is a strange system, I don't think it is. The Federal Reserve of the US does the same thing but it aims for set inflation every year BUT the money isn't distributed to it's citizens, they have incomplete data and the sin of human greed (also it being a private company) influences a profit model, all of which eMunie corrects.