
Topic: [eMunie] Latest update, lots of new features and improvements. (Read 10028 times)

full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
full member
Activity: 147
Merit: 100

There was a question about the money that will get the developer after pre-launch sale. Besides the developer, whether other people to manage the money? Who determines these people upravlyuyaschih money. Do they have a clear plan for management of the money ? What are the guarantees that people with money will not be gone ? What are the guarantees that the money a person will take the government of his country ? Can holders such as to influence the decisions of the holder of money from pre-launch sale? Provided if the system control dvzhieniya preprodazhi money from ? What percentage of the money received during pre-launch sale, will go to pay for developers ? What percentage of the money received from pre-launch sale go to the stabilization of the currency? On the official forum there is mention of a fund : EDRC (Emunie Deployment & Regulator Committee).

No information counter about this fund I could not find . Who are these people who are entrusted with currency management ? Who chose them ? How to check them ? How do they protect against the encroachments of the state money , tax and other people?

I tried to find answers to these questions .

There are similar questions unanswered .







In all subjects which raises this question answer only simple users, the administrator does not comment on these topics. Many quoted reports that the money will go to the developers. And none of those found not a single representative of the fund, which will go from pre-launch sale money.
this is an automatic translation
Boзник вoпpoc o дeньгax, кoтopыe пoлyчит paзpaбoтчик пocлe пpeпpoдaжи. Кpoмe paзpaбoтчикa, бyдyт ли дpyгиe люди yпpaвлять этими дeньгaми? Ктo oпpeдeляeт людeй yпpaвлюящиx этими дeньгaми. Ecть ли y ниx чeткий плaн yпpaвлeния этими дeньгaми? Кaкиe ecть гapaнтии тoгo чтo чeлoвeк c дeньгaми нe пpoпaдeт? Кaкиe ecть гapaнтии, чтo дeньги y чeлoвeкa зaбepeт пpaвитeльcтвo eгo cтpaны? Moгyт ли дepжaтeли кaк тo влиять нa peшeния этoгo дepжaтeля дeнeг oт пpeпpoдaжи? Пpeдycмoтpeл ли в cиcтeмe кoнтpoль двжиeния дeнeг из пpeпpoдaжи? Кaкoй пpoцeнт дeнeг, пoлyчeныx в xoдe пpeпpoдaжи, пoйдyт нa oплaтy тpyдa paзpaбoтчикoв? Кaкoй пpoцeнт дeнeг пoлyчeнныx oт пpeпpoдaжи пoйдyт нa cтaбилизaцию кypca вaлюты? Ha oфициaльнoм фopyмe ecть yпoминaниe нeкoeгo фoндa: EDRC (Emunie Deployment & Regulator Committee).

Hикaкoй инфoмpaции oб этoм фoндe мнe нe yдaлocь нaйти. Ктo эти люди, кoтopым дoвepeнo yпpaвлeниe вaлютoй? Ктo иx выбpaл? Кaк иx пpoвepить? Кaк oни зaщитят дeньги oт пocягaтeльcтв гocyдapcтвa, нaлoгoвикoв и пpoчиx людeй?

Я пoпытaлcя нaйти oтвeты нa эти вoпpocы.

Ecть пoxoжиe вoпpocы бeз oтвeтoв.






Bo вcex тeмax гдe пoднимaeтcя этoт вoпpoc oтвeчaют тoлькo пpocтыe пoльзoвaтeли, aдминиcтpaтop нe кoммeнтиpyeт эти тeмы. Bo мнoгиx пpивoдитcя цитaтa cooбщeния o тoм чтo дeньги пoйдyт paзpaбoтчикaм. И ни в oднoй из тeм нe нaшeл ни oднoгo пpeдcтaвитeля фoндa, кoтopoмy пoйдyт дeньги oт пpeпpoдaжи.
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
Humm, I already can see the abuse of power from the futur "Foundation"
What is different about Bitcoin? MtGox and together pretty much control what happens with bitcoin.

Exactly! I don't understand why people cannot understand the simple FACT that you cannot get rid of central authorities. You can only democratize them and create a system where it is possible for anyone to become one. Central Authorities are not a bad thing, AS LONG as they are not the only players in the system. #Makes$ense
That is true. Inflation is not bad, selfishness is the evil.
full member
Activity: 462
Merit: 100
Humm, I already can see the abuse of power from the futur "Foundation"
What is different about Bitcoin? MtGox and together pretty much control what happens with bitcoin.

Exactly! I don't understand why people cannot understand the simple FACT that you cannot get rid of central authorities. You can only democratize them and create a system where it is possible for anyone to become one. Central Authorities are not a bad thing, AS LONG as they are not the only players in the system. #Makes$ense
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
how can we get into the pre sale?  I see a link on your site in the archives that has a bitcoin address to send to but I don understand how you will tie my payment to me and not someone else.  nxt had a sha hashing mechanism to pull your coins out of the genesis block.  your instructions said to send you my wallet address but i dont understand what that means...  ill be sending from an exchange.
Activity: 1064
Merit: 1020
Looking good!

About time there was a new open source exchange, all the current batch have either been abandoned or have hefty price tags attached to them now.

Whats your release timeline looking like?
hero member
Activity: 686
Merit: 504
always the student, never the master.
Still very much alive and well!  We are approaching the end of our closed beta period soon, with a view to move to an open beta in the next few weeks with a launch planned "loosely" Dec/Jan.

Some people will call eMunie vaporware, as I've slipped the launch about 3 times now, but we are still here and would rather do it right first time with a bucket load of never before seen features out of the gate, than launch it just for the sake of it, especially after so many people have invested effort into its development and testing.

It's ironic that you should bump this thread today, planning on some quite major announcements/developments over the next day or two that will quite simply make all other crypto-currencies obsolete (and I wouldn't make that claim lightly), so keep your eyes peeled.

this is great news. gives me plenty of time to finish OpenEx prior to the launch of Emunie.

Ooh, whats OpenEX?  Any threads? Smiley

caution: shameless plug ahead >>>

dev thread:
Activity: 1064
Merit: 1020
Still very much alive and well!  We are approaching the end of our closed beta period soon, with a view to move to an open beta in the next few weeks with a launch planned "loosely" Dec/Jan.

Some people will call eMunie vaporware, as I've slipped the launch about 3 times now, but we are still here and would rather do it right first time with a bucket load of never before seen features out of the gate, than launch it just for the sake of it, especially after so many people have invested effort into its development and testing.

It's ironic that you should bump this thread today, planning on some quite major announcements/developments over the next day or two that will quite simply make all other crypto-currencies obsolete (and I wouldn't make that claim lightly), so keep your eyes peeled.

this is great news. gives me plenty of time to finish OpenEx prior to the launch of Emunie.

Ooh, whats OpenEX?  Any threads? Smiley
hero member
Activity: 686
Merit: 504
always the student, never the master.
Still very much alive and well!  We are approaching the end of our closed beta period soon, with a view to move to an open beta in the next few weeks with a launch planned "loosely" Dec/Jan.

Some people will call eMunie vaporware, as I've slipped the launch about 3 times now, but we are still here and would rather do it right first time with a bucket load of never before seen features out of the gate, than launch it just for the sake of it, especially after so many people have invested effort into its development and testing.

It's ironic that you should bump this thread today, planning on some quite major announcements/developments over the next day or two that will quite simply make all other crypto-currencies obsolete (and I wouldn't make that claim lightly), so keep your eyes peeled.

this is great news. gives me plenty of time to finish OpenEx prior to the launch of Emunie.
Activity: 1064
Merit: 1020
Still very much alive and well!  We are approaching the end of our closed beta period soon, with a view to move to an open beta in the next few weeks with a launch planned "loosely" Dec/Jan.

Some people will call eMunie vaporware, as I've slipped the launch about 3 times now, but we are still here and would rather do it right first time with a bucket load of never before seen features out of the gate, than launch it just for the sake of it, especially after so many people have invested effort into its development and testing.

It's ironic that you should bump this thread today, planning on some quite major announcements/developments over the next day or two that will quite simply make all other crypto-currencies obsolete (and I wouldn't make that claim lightly), so keep your eyes peeled.
full member
Activity: 153
Merit: 100
Is this project dead or still to be released? I am very interested in this.
full member
Activity: 146
Merit: 100
I like the concept, but you need a flashy name - something like Bitcoin - memorable and easy to spell. eMunie is neither easy to spell, nor memorable.

You are wrong, bitcoin is difficult to spell.for non-English speakers and the word could prove to be quite vulgar in some languages.

eMunie sounds better for a P2P currency like eMule.

hero member
Activity: 724
Merit: 500
I'm not a lawyer, so this may sound dump, but how about making those two entities separate and independent from each other?
  • Entity A to handle all buy in orders
  • Entity B handles all cash out orders

That sounds like a good idea, but the implementation is not clear to me.
hero member
Activity: 724
Merit: 500
So, this is an inflationary currency ? So if I buy coins and hold onto them, they end up becoming more worthless ?

You didn't ready it completely. The interest you get from holding the coin is slightly larger that the inflation. So your coin will increase in value over time.
hero member
Activity: 724
Merit: 500
I like the concept, but you need a flashy name - something like Bitcoin - memorable and easy to spell. eMunie is neither easy to spell, nor memorable.
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1094
Learning the troll avoidance button :)
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100

Someone came out with the first alt-coin that isn't based on bitcoin today!


Activity: 115
Merit: 10
Don't even look similar to me at all.
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
Independent Analyst
And if all else fails, you at least you have the backing of the worst browser ever with this coin.

IE 9 and IE 10 are actually getting better.

As a web designer and frontend developer, I used to hate IE and haven't used it for half a decade, but one day my regular "Joe" friend who is a game addict told me IE was faster than Chrome.
I was suspicious the least to believe him that Chrome could ever be slower than IE, but some testing results indeed show that not only IE 9/10 is faster than any browser there is (on Windows Cool, they consume the least CPU/RAM resources as well (just open your task manager with the browsers on having multiple tabs open to compare).

So now I'm back to using IE for most regular browsing.

P.S. eMunie is not a "coin", see the logo? does it look like a coin? or more like an electronic chip?
full member
Activity: 266
Merit: 100
NXT is the future

beta version 821 running fast imo.
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