I believe that in no distant time my contributions will be so enormous in this forum, this will be the fate of every other newbie that is hardworking and also all this will be achievable by encouragement from our senior colleagues it can be through several process,not necessarily meriting.
At the end, your contribution after a while, will be marked by merit. If you make 100 posts and don't have merit after a few months, your posts likely don't have any good quality and contribution for the community.
When you start out, you are a Newbie, and you will run into various annoying limits. These limits will be reduced to the point where you shouldn't usually notice them after you have participated in the forum for a few weeks. If you are on the forum to talk, then that's all you really need to know about rank. Don't worry about it too much, and you will eventually rank up.
If you want to maximize your rank, then you need to increase two statistics which are listed on your profile:
- Activity, which is maximized by posting once per day on average. Posting more than that is useless in raising your activity.
- Merit, which is gained by making good posts.
If you make ten thousand posts in a week, your activity will be capped and you will still be a Newbie. If you make ten thousand
useless posts over any period of time, you will gain zero merit and you will still be a Newbie. You can rank up only by
making good posts consistently. It's quality over quantity.
When trying to write quality posts, a lot of people act as though they're writing a book report for school: putting facts that we already know into their own words. Nobody wants to read that, and you will not get merit for it. Moreover, the length of your post and the quality of your English are only minor factors. In trying to write a quality post worthy of merit, you should offer new ideas, personal experiences, or perspectives that other forum users will actually find new and interesting.
Criticism: there are constructive criticism that tends to correct a newbie by setting him or her in the right direction. using myself as an example, I was corrected by one of our senior colleagues here on the need to use punctuation marks where necessary in all my writeup since then I have been very careful in other to avoid the repeatation of such in future.
Writing tips
making more detailed research of what we don't know before bringing it to this forum and also where we don't understand we ask question so that people that know more than us can put us through.
Searching tips