PROMO 0% Fee promo for 50+ Ether, 1% fee for less than 50 Ether.
NEW SITE http://ethpyramid.tkNOTICE ABOUT/TO COPYCATS This is the only pyramid contract I am running. The other ones like Diana/Rubixi are copycats. They are free to use the code just as much as anyone else, I just want to make it clear I have zero association with any of them, as some have used my name.
Now, to the copycats, DO NOT POST HERE, advertising or otherwise attacking me with any conspiracy theories. I am not filing copyright infringements against you, and do not plan to, and definitely don't have the time to. Keep your conspiracy theories to yourselves. If you do have a false copyright claim issue, you may PM me, and I can help you out and get it lifted, because I will tell the source it is not an infringement.
WARNING: Do not send directly from Exchanges or Wallet Contracts. Send to the contract using only personal addresses.
UPDATE: Our site is now live at've been around the bitcoin scene for a while, and I've been a pretty ardent bitcoin supporter and have done some previous development around bitcoin, catered around trading applications as bitcoin's main purpose was that of a currency.
Ethereum is actually the first Crypto that has peaked my interest once more, bitcoin was supposed to be all about decentralization, yet one thing I always hated was that most transactions were done with or through a centralized party. That is why I'm thankful for smart contracts
. Why a pyramid you ask? Even with bitcoins, I've found it was one of the best way to distribute coins, in its early days, the greatest downfall of them were scamming owners. With smart contracts, we can avoid that, and limit/nullify the power of owners.
My goal with this pyramid is to keep it running for much longer than other pyramids, as other pyramids usually have too many people, waiting for payout, and then it dies, this pyramid's payout can be lowered all the way to 1.2x if needed, to ensure payouts happen. I hope to gain enough data from this, to set up a fully automated and decentralized version, which will change the payout multiplier and other variables as needed to ensure payouts are happening as regularly as possible.
The contract address is: 0xa9e4e3b1da2462752aea980698c335e70e9ab26c
To send using geth or eth: eth.sendTransaction({from: eth.coinbase, value: web3.toWei(1, 'ether'), to: '0xa9e4e3b1da2462752aea980698c335e70e9ab26c', gas: 500000})
or replace eth.coinbase with primary or your actual account string such as '0x0c5437b0b6906321cca17af681d59baf60afe7d6'
Easiest way is with Mist or Ethereum wallet, and adding the address under watch contract. If anyone needs a tutorial on that, let me know and I'll post a video.
Basic info:- Minimum of 1 Ether is required to be entered into the pyramid
- The first 10 to enter the pyramid will have a promotional 3x payout applied to their payouts
- 11-25 will get 2x payout, and after that the pyramid will switch to 1.5x payout so the pyramid doesn't get too large and people keep getting payouts
- The fee is 10%, however, it is not applied to your payout, it is applied to your initial transaction e.g. you send 10 ether, 9 goes into the pyramid's payout balance, and 1 goes to fees, however, you will still get a payout of 15 ether down the line, if the payout multiplier was 1.5x when you sent the transaction
The payout multiplier can be changed, from 1.2x to 3x. It will be changed depending on speed of payouts. The multiplier that applies to you is the one at the time of your transaction, changing the multiplier thereafter has no effect on your expected payout. - The fee can be changed
- Sending 50 ether or more gives you a 50% fee rebate e.g. if fee is 10%, and you send 100 Ether, only 5% fee will be applied, rather than the regular 10%.
The contract itself holds most of the relevant info you need, such as the balance of the pyramid, when next payout will be, and the list of who is in the pyramid, and their expected payout. You may use this JSON interface code to "Watch the contract" in Mist or Ethereum Wallet: of Contract info on Mist using JSON interface
The contract is fully verified by both Etherchain and Ether.Camp at the following links: you have any questions, please ask away and I will answer them or join the discussion at