such a doom and gloom post.
profits will diminish.
the difficulty bomb has begun to take effect, so you can expect at least 10% faster blocks (2 second average) after fork.
plus due to the diminished block reward some farms hanging in the balance will be closing shop and selling their wares.
there are plenty of markets that will still be profitable with gpu's and E3's.
we're all on borrowed time anyways casper's POS was assumed implemented in full this time last year..
there is always classic for the holdouts if they care to adjust their philosophy to match where the money flows.
the block halving comment was interesting but its generally in 2-3 year intervals.. and dictated from genesis block. this is a bit more contreversial as the devs have some back and forth to decide how to move forward.
I like the decision, and I mine. its inportant not have have all your eggs in one basket as well as understanding perspective of the big picture.
Looking at the "Average Block Time" chart over at etherscan shows that the difficulty bomb hasn't started yet. Our average block times are still around 14-15 seconds unlike 30 seconds last Oct-Nov.
So this issuance wont be like last year where we get reduced rewards but faster block times, it will basically cut profits by 33%.
I also glanced over the hashrate chart and it seems like it's going down a little, I think last June we had this difficulty. However it could all still be variance.
BCI team implements ProgPow in a few weeks not variance , GPU miners are leaving, monero is same profit as ETH and they are forking asics and fpgas,
bitcoin Interest just did what the eth devs said could not be done int three months in two weeks :
BCI team did all this -
- Implemented a working stable Miner for AMD and Nividia for ProgPOW,
- built their own pool and solo stratum implementation
- Implemented ProgPOW on their block-chain and even rolled it back to block one to reduce the chain size and then re-synched all the old coins to the new chain in the first 850 blocks
-Deployed from testnet to production with new wallets and builds for the pool implementation, miners and stratum implemenation.
All this in a few weeks lol , I though the ethereum devs were supposed to be the best in the business, youre telling they could not even have tweaked the ethhash algo to fork asics let alone
implemented ProgPow if a small team of 3-4 with the help of the OhGod team could do all this in a few weeks ? GTFO.
This is why the Ethereum is dropping in value , thier dev teams are not innovating anymore , or at least pushing the evelope i.e getting things done
I'm a dev myself , I know there are delays and risks and such to update and upgrading code and co-dependent systems but its like they are sleep-walking right now, they are definatly not as hungry as they used to be
they sounded more like Finacial guys than developers in thier meetings more interested in monetary policy that playing with new code and concepts like ProgPOW.
personally my 8GH is off eth and split between BCI and XMR, XMR basically after power costs has been identical in profits to Eth , for a while now
Wake me up when BCI solves any sort of problems or brings new ideas to the cryptospace. Its a shitcoin for staking that happens to use a new algo. Of course the devs can do all of this work. Its a money grab for them.