We have all paper work sorted before they leave china.
Our agent is very strict to make sure there is zero problems with customs.
We have never had an issue with customs and eve if we did we have all paper work in place to release items within specific period of time.
If you have paper work in place customs are happy but if its sloppy then yeah they kick up a fuss.
Have worked at one of the biggest customs ports in the UK so have good experience how it works.
Paper work is key thing to help customs so this is why I have a strict agent
We are getting ready to dispatch a good amount of S2 units to the Uk for UK to UK sales with VAT PAID
EU sales will carry there own VAT for each country - not liable and customer can decide value but we will advise on this.
Keep posted currently S1 is still a better buy than the S2, S2 will carry a premium cost for the new cooling and power method since its new technology.
We advise S1 to many customers for now then they can ROI then upgrade to S2 once we have local stock
Currently at work and using this account my main account is CroverNo01
Cheers folks