England played well but the reason they wont go far in the competition is the manager roy hodgson. When russia started pushing forward at 1-0 he doesn't bring on jamie vardy? vardy is the fatest best counter attacker in the premier league, makes no sense.
There's no room for error there.
It is just one of those things, a short English defender against a mountain of a man there was nothing he could do. I agree the manager messed up not get the Vardy on sooner. Such a shame for you and your bet mate, maybe in future you should bet at a site that allows cashout? I cashed out when russia got the freekick seconds before the goal, I still won basically what I would.
Yes that is a good idea to play where you can cashout on games like the above. I am yet to find a BTC site which you can do that on sorry. It was skybet and they don't accept BTC at the minute.