
Topic: Europe, you reap what you sow... - page 38. (Read 56196 times)

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Activity: 1218
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January 07, 2016, 12:32:24 AM
It's not only Germany. All Scandinavian counties have more and more issues with sex offenders and rapers. I even saw an article from some Swedish *woman* politic saying it's woman fault because they are going out showing too much flesh?!?!
hero member
Activity: 675
Merit: 514
January 07, 2016, 12:14:41 AM
Moderators on the link-sharing and discussion site Reddit deleted dozens of links and comments about immigrant gang violence and sexual assault in Cologne, Germany in an apparent attempt to clamp down on “vileness.”
It would probably be a good idea to read the rules of the subreddits.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
January 07, 2016, 12:07:05 AM

German broadcaster sorry for slow reporting on mob assaults

More women have come forwar­d in Cologn­e and other cities about being groped and attack­ed on New Year's Eve

BERLIN: German public broadcaster ZDF has apologised for delays in reporting on a wave of sexual assaults blamed on men of Arab appearance amid accusations Wednesday of media self-censorship of the inflammatory issue.

The rash of attacks and thefts in a New Year’s Eve crowd in the western city of Cologne was only widely covered by national media early this week, after police had initially reported no major incidents.

News editors of ZDF’s flagship “heute” (today) evening news programme apologised on social media for not reporting on the incidents at least in its Monday evening bulletin, four days after the attacks.

“The news situation was clear enough. It was a mistake of the 7pm ‘heute’ show not to at least report the incidents,” wrote deputy chief editor Elmar Thevessen on the show’s Facebook page.

Editors had decided to postpone the news segment to Tuesday, the day Cologne’s city hall and police held a crisis meeting on the attacks, he wrote, admitting this was “a clear misjudgement”.

As the assaults have come to dominate German mainstream media, more women have come forward in Cologne and other cities about being groped and attacked on New Year’s Eve.

The number of criminal complaints in Cologne topped 100 by Wednesday.

On social media, furious right-wing commentators have blamed the attacks on Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government and its welcome to asylum seekers, 1.1 million of whom arrived last year.

The right-wing populist Alternative for Germany party seized on the attacks as “the appalling consequences of catastrophic asylum and migration policies”.

A media industry website said that the ugly incidents — and the sluggish official and media response — played into the hands of groups such as the Islamophobic PEGIDA street movement, which claims Germany’s politicians and media are colluding to mislead the public about immigration policy.

“Despite the world’s most expensive public broadcaster, countless social media reactions and online newsrooms … it took four long days before national media comprehensively reported on the incidents,” said a commentary on the Meedia service.

“The initial slowness is now being used in some circles to back their claims about the ‘lying press’.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
January 06, 2016, 11:52:44 PM

Stories On Cologne Assaults Face Censorship On Reddit

Moderators on the link-sharing and discussion site Reddit deleted dozens of links and comments about immigrant gang violence and sexual assault in Cologne, Germany in an apparent attempt to clamp down on “vileness.”

Moderators on /r/worldnews, a subreddit with over 9.5million subscribers, repeatedly deleted links to stories about the recent New Year’s Eve attacks in Cologne, which saw over a thousand Arab and North African migrants engage in hundreds of acts of sexual assault and robbery.

Users made a dozen attempts to post links to the story on /r/worldnews, where they were promptly deleted by moderators. It was only when German Chancellor Angela Merkel commented on the attacks that one news link was allowed to be posted. Comment from the German head of state made it impossible for the moderators to deny the story’s relevance to world news.

Even then, user comments underneath the news link faced mass censorship as well as a temporary lockdown due to what one moderator called “vile rule violating.”  Go1dfish, a site which tracks censorship on Reddit and maintains a permanent copy of deleted comments, reveals that users had their comments deleted simply for asking why others had been deleted.

In another case, a user was censored for saying “I hope this story blows up. People need to see this.”

There have also been reports of censorship on /r/news, a default subreddit with over 7 million subscribers. Over 500 comments were found to be delete underneath a story on the Cologne attacks on /r/news.

Reddit is divided into user-created communities called ‘subreddits,’ where users share links and start discussion threads. Some of these subreddits have tens of millions of subscribers and receive more views per day than many news websites. Biased moderation on large subreddits can therefore have a significant impact on the flow of information.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
January 06, 2016, 01:48:42 PM
It's true that this people from Arab world have very different culture and mentality than people in Europe.
I think that authorities in Europe concentrated to much on humanitarian problem, how to save their lives and give them second chance but didn't think much that they need to be educated about culture and laws in new society.
Also, some of them are criminals and should be send back a.s.a.p.
It's really very complex issue but it can be solved if everybody fulfill own responsibility.
If Turks, Muslims who lives in Germany over 50 years don't create such problems it's obvious that this people also can be educated.

Mayor of Cologne: Women should follow a “code of conduct” to stop themselves from being attacked by mobs of Middle Eastern men

A sadly inevitable next chapter in the now infamous New Year’s attacks. The eternal question: Who’s assimilating whom?

    Cologne’s mayor has been widely criticised for suggesting that women “keep at an arm’s length” from strangers to avoid sexual harassment, after scores of women were sexually abused and mugged in the city during new year celebrations.

    Asked by a journalist how women could protect themselves, Henriette Reker said: “There’s always the possibility of keeping a certain distance of more than an arm’s length – that is to say to make sure yourself you don’t look to be too close to people who are not known to you, and to whom you don’t have a trusting relationship”…

    Reker also advised women to “stick together in groups, don’t get split up, even if you’re in a party mood”.

Not only is she blaming the victims, she’s not remotely engaged with the reality of what happened. How are you supposed to keep an “arm’s length” when you’re surrounded by a group of degenerates who, police suspect, showed up at the train station specifically intending to assault people? Here’s what one woman saw when she got there:

    Steffi, 31, said she saw “countless weeping women” when she arrived at the station and was hit with a volley of sexist slurs shouted in German as she made her way through the crowd.

    “I saw a girl… who was crying, with ripped stockings, her skirt askew — she was just wrecked,” she told the daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung.

    “A young guy came out of the crowd and made vulgar comments. ‘Can I help you? I know I can help you’ he said with a strong accent and made obscene gestures with his hand. When she wanted to get away, he followed her. I told him to piss off.”

It wasn’t just Cologne. Per the Daily Caller, “similar incidents” happened in Hamburg and Stuttgart, although on a much smaller scale. One theory the police are kicking around is that some of the attackers came in from Dusseldorf, where police “have identified more than 2,000 suspects of North African origin in connection with organized thefts,” but that’s obviously politically convenient for Cologne authorities to say. It’d be a strange, ironic coda to the refugee debate in Europe if different cities started blaming each other’s Arab/Muslim populations for crimes committed nearby. “It’s not our people who did this, it’s their people.” Time for Cologne and Dusseldorf to close their borders, I guess.

Blaming the victims arguably wasn’t the worst thing Cologne’s mayor said yesterday, either. Think on this:

    However, she also said that visitors from “other cultures” should also be educated on acceptable conduct.

    “We need to prevent confusion about what constitutes happy behaviour and what is utterly separate from openness, especially in sexual behaviour,” she said.

That’s the second time in three weeks that Europe’s need to formally educate people from “other cultures” that rape is wrong has arisen in a major news story. You would think that contempt for sexual assault would be a prerequisite to resettling in the EU but apparently there’s no cultural difference that can’t be papered over in the name of securing cheap labor. I’ve said it before but it bears repeating: However terrible you think Obama’s legacy is, Merkel’s legacy in Germany will be worse.

Update: Here’s one of the Cologne victims speaking out. How do you think the “arm’s length” technique would have fared in this scenario?

    Michelle said: “There were 11 of us together at the time.

    “At around 11pm we were at the main train station and wanted to travel on to see the fireworks, and that was when we first noticed all these men standing around.

    “We managed to go into the cathedral and wanted to go past the Museum Ludwig to join everyone and watch the fireworks by the river, but suddenly we were surrounded by a group of between 20 and 30 men.

    “They were full of anger, and we had to make sure that none of us were pulled away by them. They were groping us and we were trying to get away as quickly as possible.

Activity: 1722
Merit: 1000
January 06, 2016, 01:26:36 PM
Inviting in MILLIONS of barbaric animails into a country.. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
January 06, 2016, 01:25:05 PM
It's true that this people from Arab world have very different culture and mentality than people in Europe.
I think that authorities in Europe concentrated to much on humanitarian problem, how to save their lives and give them second chance but didn't think much that they need to be educated about culture and laws in new society.
Also, some of them are criminals and should be send back a.s.a.p.
It's really very complex issue but it can be solved if everybody fulfill own responsibility.
If Turks, Muslims who lives in Germany over 50 years don't create such problems it's obvious that this people also can be educated.

The thing is, you have arab christians, arab jews from the same arab world and none of them act like those people. I wonder why...

Activity: 3374
Merit: 1824
January 06, 2016, 12:37:09 PM
It's true that this people from Arab world have very different culture and mentality than people in Europe.
I think that authorities in Europe concentrated to much on humanitarian problem, how to save their lives and give them second chance but didn't think much that they need to be educated about culture and laws in new society.
Also, some of them are criminals and should be send back a.s.a.p.
It's really very complex issue but it can be solved if everybody fulfill own responsibility.
If Turks, Muslims who lives in Germany over 50 years don't create such problems it's obvious that this people also can be educated.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
January 06, 2016, 12:00:51 PM

Teenage victim of Cologne sex mob describes harrowing ordeal

    Michelle, a German 18-year-old, has described harrowing ordeal in Cologne
    Similar attacks also occurred on New Year's Eve in Hamburg and Stuttgart
    Police have admitted they fear it was part of a known criminal enterprise
    Cologne town centre has been called a 'no-go area' by its own city council
    Councillor Judith Wolter said it was no longer considered safe for women
    Media are accused of covering up previous incidents to avoid tensions
    There are now fears the upcoming carnival will be scene of similar assaults

An 18-year-old victim of the sex attacks in Cologne has described being surrounded by a group of 30 'angry' men who groped her and her friends then stole their belongings as they fled.

The teenager, named only as Michelle, appeared on German TV to recount the harrowing ordeal she endured during the city's New Year's Eve celebrations last week.

Police say the wave of attacks - which has so far seen 90 women report being assaulted - were perpetrated by groups of 'Arab or North African' men in the city centre.

Michelle's shocking testimony comes as the city's own council today admitted its town centre was now a 'no-go area' for women, while it has emerged similar attacks occurred the same night across Hamburg and Stuttgart.

Alarmingly, police in Dusseldorf fear the attacks may be linked to a known criminal gang comprising 2,000 North African men who use sexual assault as a means of distraction.

And while German media and authorities stand accused of covering up previous incidents to avoid stoking tensions, there are fears the upcoming carnival celebrations in Cologne will see a repeat of the brazen attacks.

Michelle, an 18-year-old from Germany, described how she and her friends were surrounded by a pack of men 'full of anger' who groped them before stealing their belongings as they fled during last week's wave of attacks

Hundreds of people gather in front of Cologne's main railway station, where disorder broke out last week and groups of 'Arab or North African' men attacked dozens of women

Groups of revellers gather in the city centre during the celebrations last week which quickly turned to chaos

A police van makes its way through the throngs of people who gathered to see in the new year in Cologne last week

A group of men set off fireworks during the New Year's Eve celebrations in Cologne last week. Police say groups of men (not pictured) were responsible for coordinated attacks on women

Although there were some disruptions caused by fireworks (pictured) and general disorder, it was only several days later the true scale of the sex attacks at the public celebrations were revealed

Her testimony comes as the city's own council has admitted the town centre is now a 'no-go area' for women, while protesters angered by authorities' alleged inaction held demonstrations last night.

Witnesses and police have described men working in 'coordinated' groups to grope women who were unable to escape, while at least one woman reported she was raped.

Michelle told N-TV: 'There were 11 of us together at the time.

'At around 11pm we were at the main train station and wanted to travel on to see the fireworks, and that was when we first noticed all these men standing around.

'We managed to go into the cathedral and wanted to go past the Museum Ludwig to join everyone and watch the fireworks by the river, but suddenly we were surrounded by a group of between 20 and 30 men.'

Sensing danger, she and her friends then grabbed each other and started holding hands.

'They were full of anger, and we had to make sure that none of us were pulled away by them. They were groping us and we were trying to get away as quickly as possible.'

As they fled and were groped, the men also took the opportunity to rob objects from their pockets, stealing mobile telephones as the teenage girls fled.

Later as they attempted to go home, they noticed how more men were shooting rockets and other fireworks at each other near the train station.

'It was around 12:30 and we went back to the train station to catch a train that was supposed to go at 1am. But there were so many people around it was really difficult to get to the platform.'

Police working near the main railway station in Cologne arrest a man during the riotous party in the city centre

A couple sit on a step while two police officers check an abandoned bag left in the city centre of Cologne

Although police across Europe were on high alert for possible terror attacks on New Year's Eve, Cologne police chiefs have also come under fire for not preventing the sex attacks

She said it was impossible for them to stay together and that her group got separated.

'It was only when I got to the platform that I realised my train was not travelling, as I had to go back through the mass of men and walked the 5 kilometres [3miles] home by foot.'

While police have not yet made any arrests in relation to the sex attacks, they claim to have identified three suspects.

Ralf Jaeger, Interior Minister of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) declined to give further details of the investigation but said he expected 'a very detailed report' this week from the police.

Michelle's harrowing testimony comes as Cologne city councillor Judith Wolter wrote a letter urging people to avoid the city centre after declaring it unsafe 'for women' in the wake of the attacks.

Mrs Wolter, a council group leader and opposition councillor, also warned the upcoming carnival should be considered equally dangerous.

She wrote: 'The area in and around the central station, the cathedral and the adjoining area towards the banks of the Rhine can be for tourists [and locals] no longer considered - even in normal times - as safe.'

Activity: 1188
Merit: 1016
January 05, 2016, 11:57:57 PM
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
January 05, 2016, 07:47:06 PM
Is 45% of Norway’s population Muslim? If not then those defending Muslim rape rates are doing nothing but trying to split fake hairs.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
January 05, 2016, 07:23:07 PM

Blog: Police in Norway proclaim 'Oslo is lost'

Gronland is a district in Oslo, Norway, very close to Parliament.  Per a Poqari News report, the area looks like “Karachi, Basra, and Mogadishu all rolled into one.”  The situation has devolved to such a point that the police in Gronland have declared: “Oslo is lost.”

Gronland’s been on track to join the caliphate for a while.  A little over two years ago, Muslims in Gronland were pushing for it to become part of the Islamic State.

Poqari News reports that Norway (and all of Europe) is no longer recognizable as such, that women are routinely raped, men are robbed on a regular basis, the police have given up, and there are sharia patrols.

In 2015, there were 50 rape reports filed in Gronland, where, like all of Oslo, 100% of rapes of native Norwegian women by strangers are committed by Muslims.  Across Norway, as with all of Europe, women dare not go out at night alone, the risk of rape is so incredibly high.

Also in 2015, robberies in Gronland averaged one a day.  In the past ten years, more than 4,000 people have been robbed, often right near the Gronland police station, which is in an immigrant ghetto.

When the police visited one of Gronland’s latest victims, who was assaulted, held hostage, and robbed, they told him they had no way of stopping the robberies.  “We have lost the city,” they said.

We are witnessing the wholesale collapse of Europe due to self-destructive decisions and a lack of any will to defend the homeland – a defense that wouldn’t be necessary if they hadn’t let the barbarians in.  But they let them in.  And they just can’t stop.

Europe has become addicted to its self-inflicted demise.  Who would have guessed needless guilt would go that far?

Is there any hope?  I suppose there’s always hope.  But things look grim.

sr. member
Activity: 462
Merit: 250
hey you, yeah you, fuck you!!!
January 05, 2016, 04:27:54 PM
i never understand why Germany decided to do this. Government officials are not fooling anyone with these claims of being shocked over the increase in crime.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
January 05, 2016, 03:25:04 PM
We are heading to troublesome times, mainly due to excess of population.
Won't be easy and some "social security" preachers/believers are pushing natality even further, all of them refuses to acknowledge a simple truth; social security isn't but a Ponzi scam, at some point there won't be people enough to feed the monster and increasing in numbers will cause some major hazards as resources and food becomes scarce.

No one is forced to live in very densely populated cities in the shores of continents, plenty of land inside. Of course limited access to high speed internet and a need to own a car, truck and know how to grow your own food.

Social security is a ponzi scheme, especially when you ask people to retire at 60 while science helps you live a great deal beyond 85 and more. The system used to work fine because people used to die early in their retirement.

None the less, when you drop one million people with a different culture, you can get a bunch of rape cases, abuses of women surging a cultural shock like in germany...

Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000
January 05, 2016, 03:09:02 PM
We are heading to troublesome times, mainly due to excess of population.
Won't be easy and some "social security" preachers/believers are pushing natality even further, all of them refuses to acknowledge a simple truth; social security isn't but a Ponzi scam, at some point there won't be people enough to feed the monster and increasing in numbers will cause some major hazards as resources and food becomes scarce.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
January 05, 2016, 03:01:13 PM

Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women

The mayor of Cologne has summoned police for crisis talks after about 80 women reported sexual assaults and muggings by men on New Year's Eve.

The scale of the attacks on women at the city's central railway station has shocked Germany. About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved.

City police chief Wolfgang Albers called it "a completely new dimension of crime". The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said.

Women were also targeted in Hamburg.

But the Cologne assaults - near the city's iconic cathedral - were the most serious, German media report. At least one woman was raped, and many were groped.

Most of the crimes reported to police were robberies. A volunteer policewoman was among those sexually molested.

Germany's New Year shock - by Damien McGuinness, BBC News Berlin

The pretty Christmas market and medieval setting may look idyllic, but at Christmas and New Year the area around Cologne Cathedral is a notorious danger zone when it comes to pickpockets and theft.

Now the sexual harassment, and in one case rape, of dozens of women has shocked Germany.

What is particularly disturbing is that the attacks appear to have been organised. Around 1,000 young men arrived in large groups, seemingly with the specific intention of carrying out attacks on women.

Police in Hamburg are now reporting similar incidents on New Year's Eve in the party area of St Pauli. One politician says this is just the tip of the iceberg.

And there are real concerns about what will happen in February when the drunken street-parties of carnival season kick off.

Cologne will stage carnival events in February, with hundreds of thousands of revellers expected in the streets, as on New Year's Eve.

The police chief said "the assailants' behaviour is a real concern for me, also because of the carnival".

Police were deployed outside the central station because of the crowds on New Year's Eve, but failed to spot the many attacks, according to reports. There are also fears that a number of women did not report assaults.

'Monstrous' assaults

Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker said the attacks were "monstrous". "We cannot allow this to become a lawless area," she said, insisting that visitors could not come to the city fearing attack.

German Justice Minister Heiko Maas tweeted that "we won't tolerate these abhorrent assaults on women - all those responsible must be brought to justice".

One man described how his partner and 15-year-old daughter were surrounded by an enormous crowd outside the station and he was unable to help. "The attackers grabbed her and my partner's breasts and groped them between their legs."

A British woman visiting Cologne said fireworks had been thrown at her group by men who spoke neither German nor English. "They were trying to hug us, kiss us. One man stole my friend's bag," she told the BBC. "Another tried to get us into his 'private taxi'. I've been in scary and even life-threatening situations and I've never experienced anything like that."

The justice minister warned against linking the crimes to the issue of migrants and refugees.

Germany saw a record influx of migrants in 2015, which provoked an intense debate on immigration and marches by the anti-Islam Pegida movement.

Mr Maas said "the law does not discriminate regarding a person's origin or passport. All are equal before the law".

Cologne news website Koelner Stadt-Anzeiger says the suspects were already known to police because of frequent pickpocketing in and around Cologne central station.

Wider problem

In Hamburg several women told police that gangs of men had molested and robbed them on New Year's Eve on the Reeperbahn - a street known for its boisterous night life.

Some similar attacks were reported in Stuttgart.

A policeman who was outside Cologne station during the New Year's Eve trouble told the city's Express news website that he had detained eight suspects. "They were all asylum seekers, carrying copies of their residence certificates," he said.

However, there was no official confirmation that asylum seekers had been involved in the violence. Commentators in Germany were quick to urge people not to jump to conclusions.

German n-tv news says Cologne police are considering calling in reinforcements from other parts of Germany and installing extra surveillance cameras, with telescopic lenses.

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