Will enable ANY Altcoin to jump onto an ethereum like chain for APPs and SERVICE.
Anybody who has read the great book "the cathedral and the bazaar" knows, THIS is what still missing in crypto.
Europecoin keeps his chain and the SERVICEBUS runs as a sitechain, they are interconnected stronger (Europcoin<--->SERVICEBUS) then other Altcoins, that joined,
witch makes Europecoin technically, to be the some kind of serviceprovider for the SERVICEBUS with some advantages for Europecoin and its users,
but without the SERVICEBUS or Europecoin depending on each other.
The technologie HAS TO BE in the (open-available and open-source) Plugin (and HAS to be in the wallet), to be truely decentralized.
The storage HAS TO BE in our Home-Chain, thats the ONLY right concept for fully decentralized, user controlled networks!
SERVICEBUS will provide an open-source plugin for the coins RPC-interface, enabling ANY COIN to dock or undock into/onto our network,
without any intervention or action from anybody. On the Servicebus, APPS and SERVICE, like payment and shops and anything will be able to dock in and provide, whatever is needed.
Users of ANY coin will be able to join or un-join at will.
The "ethereum-like" chain itsself, will just serve as a "TRANSPORT" /Side ~Chain, between technologies like coins and different APIs (a kind of multiinterface adapter)
All technology for apps or interaction will be in the plugin (iun the wallet) to have no single point of failure.
Storage on the other hand will stay where it belongs to, in YOUR chain, in our case, the Europecoin chain. Altcoins, that joined, are using their chain.
You could call the technology: FEDERATED BLOCKCHAINS
if only 50% of that will come true we the lucky early adopters sit on a goldmine!
DMD Diamond will evaluate this to be used once more details are released
i think for investors its a lucky event that europecoin windows wallet is still broken
else u would be never able get hands on ERC that cheap