Sasha I am not the one you can play these kind of games with!
You just wrote me back few senseless words again.
You are really asking me which account is mine? R0manko or Romanko?
The one created few hours ago or the one from December 2014?
Who else? What accounts? Where are the proofs?
You are writing only empty words, nobody believes you - you have no proofs at all! The police will investigate it, if you don’t understand!
Why you didn't sent out the devices and voided the tacking numbers you sent me as proofs?
I think I can answer that question myself - because you don’t have any more of them! You just can't prove anything you say! You also didn’t load anything to UPS like you said you did and put it on hold until the send half of payment. I have more then 10 screenshots of chat with UPS support agents that proof that you didn’t sent anything out.
Is that the proof that you provided me that you sent out the miners?
You just made a label for sending out the goods but didn’t send them anywhere!
Thats is the real reason you didn’t want to deal safe with escrow!
You were trying to sell us thin air, took the coins and now telling fairy tales your accounts are being corrupted.
All at one time..oh please..ah sorry, all except your favorite one - the twitter!
I am not a loan were ready to throw bitcointalk account away and forget about it if I didn't find you in real life!
You messed up here and you will mess up everywhere!
Don’t be childish and return the money! I don't care about the stories you made up to win some time to figure out what to do next, or how you spend your free time, or what is on your mind, you don't listen or hear me at all!
I want my coins back!
here is a screen shot of my wallet address from which I made the two payment to yours
The refund address is the same!
And I am really tired of writing you begging letters!
I don’t use my twitter account much, maybe few times a year, but yesterday after I tagged you in my twitter message asking to return the money (at the same time you were online on forum replying us stories about being corrupted), I had around 10 attempts to change my twitter password..I got the messages to about it on my mail that some stupid ass was trying to reset my password 10 times!
Who did it? Maybe that was one of the million from your twitter followers?
I don't believe you! Don’t play with me! I mean it!
You want my lawyer to tweet you? Or the police department to sent you an invite tweet?
If you don’t return my money and if it will be needed my present to take you to jail soon I will fly to Atlanta!
I have a valid US visa to take next fly! its only about your move to make the right decision.
Your mom is a priest!
Didn't she tell her son that its a sin to steal and to lie?
If you’ll make me go to US I will certainly also come to your mothers church to hear her speech in her native russian or in english it doesn’t matter...and after it I will ask her how did she managed to raise such a liar.
P.S.S. I have investigated all wallet transactions, where the money was cashed and many many many more proof files