As regards to borrowing money, compulsive gamblers who look for deceitful methods of taking people's money, will not tell the money lender that they need the money for gambling. It'll reduce their chances of getting approved to receive the money. So, the gambler will need to do anything on his horizon to convince the person to lend him money. Giving meaningful reasons as to why they need the money. Most of them lose out all the borrowed money and risk their life. As they'll feel vulnerable for owing a huge amount, which they can't account for, how it vanished. Many gamblers in Australia left this world for such reasons. People are advised to conduct underground research on whom they lend money to, not to contribute to the despair of that person. He should be left with no money, then given money to gamble. Engendering his life and wasting money meant for society.
That's why we have to be careful if there are friends who want to borrow money from us, and we should check it first before we lend money to them. We already knew from the start that there were friends of ours who often borrowed money from other friends to gamble, and this time, he wanted to borrow money from us. Most of them will lose all their money at the gambling table without any chance of winning big or recovering their losses or breaking even. They will become increasingly emotional because they have experienced total defeat and spent all their money gambling, so they will look for other people who they can borrow money from. They will only leave their traces on many friends, and we are already among the people who gave them loans, but they couldn't return the money to us.