I don't know whether what I'm feeling other people are feeling it or am just having this feeling based on the country where I'm located, or am feeling this way because of age and responsibility. Before now everything was easy for the rich , poor, and middle class, you can even be happy without having any money with you. But this time it seems different, you can still have money but still their is is no inner joy. Now even the people around are not real and genuine but fake, can even betray for free. Is it that as the world is evolving people are changing too.
We used to have a happy life then, but things are completely different now. I don't know how things are in other nations, but in my country, things are becoming more and more terrible every day. Sometimes i used to pray that God would take me back to the way we lived back then,
because then our love for one another was genuine, you could move around freely and didn't have to worry about anything bad happening to you, but now you can't even sleep soundly in your own room because of fear to your fellow human.
you will witness two brothers who were raised by the same mother now, and they will hate each other without cause. This is the reason why sometimes I used to fear dying because of the people you will leave your children behind for and the lack of genuine love they will show your children.
Back then the rich and the poor worked together as a team, it was difficult to tell who was rich and who was poor, but some rich people now no longer treat the poor with respect. I always wish that this world could be changed back to how it was before.