I don't know whether what I'm feeling other people are feeling it or am just having this feeling based on the country where I'm located, or am feeling this way because of age and responsibility. Before now everything was easy for the rich , poor, and middle class, you can even be happy without having any money with you. But this time it seems different, you can still have money but still their is is no inner joy. Now even the people around are not real and genuine but fake, can even betray for free.
That is because of the influence of technology and social medias. People are flaunting, flexing what they have this time and this gives you the pressure and rush to achieve necessary things because of your insecurity. I'm not saying you actually but it is for those people that have been reliant on the opinion of other people. This is hard to change when they've been too dependent to the opinion of other people.
While these necessary things can be achieved slowly, easy and without having pressure at all, they chose what they think that shall rush them and then later on will complain that they're dealing with hardship through it.
Is it that as the world is evolving people are changing too.
Yup, that is the reality that the people are changing nowadays because of what we're adapting from person to person, and location to location. Thanks to the influence of modern technology that also changes people. Anyway, change is constant. Don't be too affected with what you want to achieve, take it nice and slow and no one's rushing you. Enjoy the ride as they say.