Received: 17,536.2628 BTC (517 ins) first: 2021-07-25 last: 2022-12-28
Sent: 17,536.2628 BTC (517 outs) first: 2023-01-01 last: 2023-03-05
Profit from price change: -239,395,601.9 USD
Approximately $460 million was spent buying Bitcoin, resulting in a loss of over $239 million. Perhaps this investor did not know that the DCA strategy is better to use for a longer period, or perhaps he found a more profitable investment.
So, how can we really be sure if it's a regular person or a fund? And how do we know if they actually sold the bitcoin or just moved it to cold storage? As far as I can tell, there are still 2535 BTC just chilling at the address bc1qnujzvts45qka3cr2eqqw8ur3q6g6s0ze2wlk5m, which, in my opinion, seems like a cold wallet. Prior to the main transfer, there were two transactions of +1 BTC and -1 BTC, which appear to be test transactions in my view. That's how I would go about it, at least.