We will not be changing the limits anytime soon. We have proved payouts, don't let one person who is obviously just wants to scam us, make this perfect campaign into something it isn't.
I'm sorry but you are accusing me of wanting to "scam" you? That's a little crazy dude.
I am accusing you of not paying for advertizments made in good faith. I have left feedback to this effect. If you want to resolve it, we can talk about that further in PM. In the meantime, your threatening tone really just makes you look worse.
Good luck with your endeavours.
You are trying to scam us, as we over paid you for unconstructive post to show good faith and now you are not following the policy and accused us of scamming. I am sorry but this is called scamming in my books. Now please stop spamming our thread.
I am not spamming your thread. I am replying publically to accusations which you are making about me publically. If you don't want me to respond, then stop accusing.
From your PM to me:
Some notes we made while reading your post, you performanced as one of the best posters. Keep up the good work!
So, by "you performed as one of the best posters" I guess I'm suppose to understand something about overpaying for unconstructive posts?!
It's obvious to anyone who is reading this thread that I am not "scamming". I made 10 posts with your signature this week and you say you will not pay because I didn't get "reconfirmed". I consider this to be a terribly dishonest system, one that's meant to steal a few free posts each week. No other campaign does this. Obviously your campaign is new, you could have just said "ok, you're right, that's not fair to have you advertizing for us without us paying. Let's change the system." Instead you are playing hard-ass with your system and I have left feedback accordingly.
Good luck in your future.
First off to be one of the best posters, you had to make at least 30 post that were considered constructive, but we paid for the full 50 post no matter what they were, to overcome any trust issues of not paying.
Actually you paid me for 24 out of 25 posts that I made that week. I'm not sure what the issue was with the 25th post but this is not relevant to the problem. I don't see how paying me for 24 out of 25 posts and saying "you were one of the best posters" is somehow overpaying me. I'd say that you paid me the right amount and I don't have any problem with this.
We are dishonest because we wanted people to reconfirmed as this is a weekly campaign, and we want to open up more spots for more people that will be doing us a service. I am sorry you are angry at the way things are done here, but these are our policies, if you don't agree please leave. As this is a thread for business, not whining because you were away.
What's dishonest is that you don't want to pay for posts made with your advertizment during the time while we wait to be "reconfirmed". Again, no other sig campaign does this. As for leaving, I've already done so. As for business, I find it quite relevant to business that you have this "policy" to not pay for certain posts each week.
We were extremely easy on the rules in the beginning and I am surprised that a person would even be angry at making money they didn't earn.
You keep bringing this up about being "extremely easy", etc. I don't have a problem with your "easiness". I don't really even understand what you're getting at. You paid me exactly correctly for the first week and there's no issue there. My issue is that you don't want to pay me for advertizment in the second week. As for anger, I don't have anger, I have a valid claim. I'm sorta sad that you would rather deal with all of this accusation and feedback and whatnot rather than just reconsider a strange policy, but it's your business. My business is simply to request payment for work completed.
If you post in this thread again we will report to the mods as now this is off topic and you are trolling.
I'd be happy to hear what mods say about this. I'm obviously not trolling if I keep having to reply to your accusations about me and motivations. If you stop bringing me up in this thread, I'll stop replying. Let's talk to the adults, maybe they'll help you calm down and think about things more clearly, idk.