I am with the thumbs down crowd. I WOULD NOT WANT A CASHLESS SOCIETY.
Everything from an extended, major power and/or internet outage to privacy concerns scare me.
Hell, recently I lost my ATM and had to call the bank. I sat there with the banker and she told me which Starbucks I stopped at on the way to work. Where I had lunch, stopped for gas and which grocery store I stopped at on the way home, etc.
I certainly am not infatuated with bitcoin, like some, where I want to see it take over. It is an good alternative, but hell no.
You tell me why you want a cashless society?
I think the problem lies in semantics.
I remember back in the mid 90s when there were a ton of "zomg! the illuminati is going to implant us all and make us use a one world currency in a cashless society so they control whether you eat or not!" conspiracy predictions...and of course, nobody who is sane would want that and nobody would comply with that.
Please keep in mind just how challenging it is to force people to do something, and it's even harder to get them to voluntarily do it.
But today, we're pretty much a cashless society - in the respect that hardly anyone carries cash anymore. It's all debit/credit cards and gift cards.
Also keep in mind that there are only a few hundred thousand politicians and "leaders" world wide and no matter what they pull out of their asses, from policy to law to threats and ultimatums, they do not have anywhere near the combined manpower to enforce a global initiative, even with the threat of military power, to force 7 billion people to do anything that 7 billion people don't want to do.
I've seen a lot of warped posts and comments since learning more about bitcoin that make claims about bitcoin being invented by the NSA or the illuminati or the elite bankers or the world governments as a way to issue in its one world currency to enslave us...and these things are absurd.
I'm nowhere near as tech savvy as whoever created bitcoin but I've learned enough to confidently conclude that while some elitists band of governments or bankers may want a global currency, bitcoin is clearly and undeniably NOT IT. Bitcoin undermines everything they're about so I can't see them creating their own undoing on purpose.
If the world adopted bitcoin, exchanged fiat for btc and then stored it offline in wallets, and became the norm, the street muggings would probably go the way of bank robberies as it's too much effort for probably zero gain as nobody's carting wallets around anymore.
Being able to move money around without having physical holdings isn't a bad thing. Cashless, in the context of strictly digital currency is also not a bad thing...and it forces people to take full responsibility for their own financial security...and it's long since passed time for the planet of masters of the universe to grow the fuck up already and stop acting like children waiting for someone bigger to tell them how to think.
That leaves offline transactions. As long as there is power, people can trade offline as easily as online.
That leaves a power-less world....and if that happens, something catastrophic went down and bitcoin, fiat and credit cards would all be replaced with another form of currency - water, food, ammo, medical supplies, booze, cigarettes, etc.