To be able to calculate that, you need two simple assumptions:
- overall miners are rational and will only keep buying hardware until they reach the point of marginal profitability within a given period (investment horizon).
- Likewise, ASIC vendors will keep producing and selling chips as long as its profitable, ie, as long as miners are wiling to pay a price above their marginal costs.
To be able to calculate the point where these two cross over, you need to have an idea what the chips cost to produce (and a minimum operational profit margin), and a clear view of costs of the miner.
Fill out your own assumptions by downloading this spreadsheet:
Here are mine, using Hashfasts published numbers:

Feel free to add the cost of casing/PSU/shipping/handling etc in the "per chip" field, Im assuming in the long run these things will be sold bare bones without fancy enclosures and the costs of PCB is negligible and miners already have PSUs or wont factor in that cost given they have decent resale value. Feel free to alter those assumptions.
Also note the investment horizon should NOT be compared to today, when difficulty is growing explosively. This spreadsheet calculates the "end game" where difficulty remains fiarly stable, or at least is only really influenced by BTC exchange rate and perhaps mining fees. In such environment, an investment horizon of a few years is entirely reasonable.
Finally, I did make a shortcut in the formula to calculate the cost of these chips. To accurately calculate that based on die size and wafer size, you need a special tool:
My formula uses the correct numbers for hashfasts chip size (177 candidates for a 18mmx18mm chip), but I simply extrapolate linearly for bigger or smaller chips. IN reality smaller chips will generally yield a number of chip candidates per wafers thats slightly more than proportionally to its size (up to a point), and larger chips will yield less than proportional. If you want more exact numbers, just use that calculator and redo the cost per die math yourself, but all the other assumptions are likely a much bigger variable.
In a chart:

edit: corrected yield calculations and per chip costs.
PCB, Power, Housing, etc missing to make a good speculation. A good point anyway. nice one.