16 years ago today, that transaction might have been worth nothing in value, and today it is valued at $950K. BTC has achieved a lot and outperformed the expectations of many. Even Satoshi might not have predicted it. I first came to know about BTC in 2018 and it was somewhere between $3k and $5k, it was very cheap I planned to buy it with my cousin by borrowing money but I suggested investing in anything by taking a loan can be very risky, plus we both were unemployed so we did not take the risk, and now we both regret it. Well, the opportunity was missed. Can we still make this much gain in the upcoming 16 years? What do you guys think?
Wow this is truly historical and I am regretful for not taking full advantage of the opportunity at the time, as we were blind to the future of what the results will be today. Happy New Year everyone, the time is now.