I think banks should not get into crypto since the reason why crypto was started in 2008-2009 was because of the 2008 banking crisis, those dudes made horrible mistakes with mortgages and put all those toxic ones into a bond and sold that and even made those bond together and then sold that leveraging their already horrible positions to a spike and then they crashed, what happened afterwards? None of them got punished for it and they even got bonuses for job well done and everyone in the world paid for it, I am sorry but if crypto becomes a bank like that I will start using fiat instead of crypto.
It's not about whether you think they should get into crypto or not, it's just about them considering it a viable move, and it definitely is. If you support freedom, you also should support the fact that ANY entity can enter and use crypto. We may not like them, but the good thing is that we don't have to deal with them if we don't want to.
As long as you have your private keys securely stored offline, they can't do anything to cheat on you or take your coins away from you. We just have to accept that there are a lot of people who don't want the responsibility of storing their own wealth. They either think they can't do it because it's too difficult (which it can be in case of crypto), or they don't trust themselves for whatever reason.
Let people do as they please. Don't like a specific service then don't use them.