1.I'm old and can't change my mind so sorry.
2. Yes, almost he(means fucking "doubler") did. I think that people who was scammed feeling not so good.
I have been tracing his transactions for some time, wondering how bitcoin network can miss the right numbers etc...
anyway I have lost about 0.01 BTC or so to that "people fucker" (sorry for words but they are soft actually).
I can remember bitvestor.us, make btc.org, others... you know how to call them, hope they found their curse (if not already).
Key phrase: "sorry for words but they are soft actually"
3. You can press "ignore" button.
There is countries where people's income less then 1$/day.
World bank:
Zimbabwe - 36%
Nepal - 37%
Mozambique - 38%
Lesotho - 43%
India - 44%
Ghana - 45%
Madagascar - 49%
Sierra-Leon - 57%
Gambia - 59%
Burkina-Faso - 61%
Niger - 61%
Zambia - 64%
Republique Centrafricaine - 67%
Nigeria - 70%
Mali - 73%