OK it’s a hook but let me explain my idea.
In short time I'll maybe start managing a bounty campaign. (in negotiation)
My idea is to use the Merit as metrics, respectively to allocate a budget for the Merit and distribute it to members who have collected Merit during the signature campaign.
Goal: motivate people to write quality posts and create some hype. --> Merit is very controverted and I think we could be the first campaign to run a Merit campaign
Distribution at the end of the campaign Merit pool distribution: (your Merit earned / total Merit earned from all participants) * Token Merit Pool.
What do you think?
Some campaign already used this system?
Do you see weakness?
Thank you in advance for feedbacks
edit: sMerit -->Merit
EXEMPLE:Imagine a bounty campaing with 5000 Token (whole budget). We will have a bonus Merit campaign with 1000 token to distribute.
Here the statistics of the 5 participants, at the beginning of the campaign:
- John; full member ; 100 Merit
- Bob: member; 51 Merit
- Alice: member; 10 Merit
- Termos: Legendary; 3004 Merit (?)
- Dekafe: newbee copper Member; 0 Merit
Here the statistics of the 5 participants at the end of the campaigns:
- John; full member ; 102 Merit
- Bob: member; 59 Merit
- Alice: member; 12 Merit
- Termos: Legendary; 3004 Merit
- Dekafe: newbee copper Member; 24 Merit
Number of merit won by all participant during the campaign: 2+8+2+0+24= 36 Merit
This is what each participant will get as a token bonus at the end of this bounty:
(your Merit earned / total Merit earned from all participants) * Token Merit Pool.
- John; full member ; (2/36)*1000= 55.5 token
- Bob: member; (8/36)*1000= 222.2 token
- Alice: member; (2/36)*1000= 55.5 token
- Termos: Legendary; (0/36)*1000= 0 token
- Dekafe: newbee copper Member; (24/36)*1000= 666.6 token
So in my example the Newbee copper member wins 666.6 Token and the Legendary nothing.