I will use this for my first post, I usually just read and move on but I need to post and it is an interesting subject.
Flat earth is a fun topic..
earth isn't flat, go to space and take a look, or sail a world, it's not medival ages anymore, how can you be so dumb, and to think that earth is flat
Why show off your lack of understanding/intelligence?
Flat earth, Hollow earth and perfect sphere earth all have solid facts, interesting theories and history.
I personally like the idea that we may be on a plane and not a planet.
We cannot personally verify either claim, trying to make others feel stupid for thinking outside the box is just trolling or a defense reaction for you're vulnerable beliefs/reality being challenged.
These days "science" is the answer to everything and accepted by the masses with little understanding or explanation. If there is no answer science just makes one up and the laws/maths to explain it.
If you ever bothered to research about satellites and earth images from space you would see that NASA personally discloses the images are fake as "rendered composites" meaning they are created images pieced together from multiple images, which could mean a few things. Go and look at the earth from space on google images and look at the continents you will see they are all out of proportion and all different sizes and locations.
Fish bowl lens on cameras and windows on planes do not count..
Take everything you are told as truth and accept it as is without ever actually challenging it or verifying it, you are giving away your freedom to think for yourself.
Research, questioning and theories should not be offensive to anyone, we all seek knowledge to grow and there is a lot that is kept from the masses.
If you do not think outside the box every now and then you will forget how to.
Peasants hunting and burning witches back in the day because they didn't understand what they were doing and it challenged their beliefs. So people were manipulated to control the situation. Nothing ever changes.
Flat earth and hollow earth have solid facts? They don't. Not even close. There is no debate. No one is debating whether the earth is flat or not. Only a few trolls and retards. The earth being round is not a theory, like the theory of evolution where I would agree that there are still unknown things. The earth being round is a fact. I already said this 20 times. PEOPLE ALREADY KNEW THE EARTH WASN'T FLAT HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO. Almost no intelligent person believed the earth was flat even 500 years ago. And more than 2000 years ago Eratosthenes even calculated the circumference of the Earth and even calculated the tilt of the Earth's axis. There is no hoax, no conspiracy just stupid people.