This proves nothing, other than the physical mechanics in the gyroscope are too small to be affected by the rotation of the Earth through space. Physics is working as intended.
The inertial frame is too small to be measured.
A little bit esoteric, but I recommend for further reading.
You're claiming Earth rotates but that it's a magical celestial rotation that doesn't effect gyroscopes? Go smoke another rock, I've provided hard evidence that there's no rotation.
No he is saying is that is that you cannot measure the rotation of the earth using small children's toy's. They are not a sensitive enough instrument.
It is possible to build a gyroscope that measures the rotation in real time but that is something of an undertaking. ring laser uses two single-mode laser beams that propagate around a closed laser cavity in opposing directions. If a ring laser is rotating, the two opposing waves are slightly shifted in frequency and a beat interference pattern is observed, which is proportional to the rate of rotation...
Thanks to the sensitivity and stability of large ring laser gyroscope, the team were able to directly measure the combined effect of the Chandler and the annual wobble of the freely rotating Earth. Their measured data was in excellent agreement with the independent measurements by using the astronomical method.
... children's toy's. They are not a sensitive enough ...
That's a lot of bullshit, that was a precision crafted gyroscope.
... It is possible to build a gyroscope that measures the rotation ...
... A ring laser uses two single-mode laser beams ...
You're implying that solid state gyroscopes such as the ring laser are the only kind suitable for testing if the Earth rotates, that's also a lot of bullshit. The experiment you're showcasing is purportedly to measure some subtle variation in Earth's so-called rotation. This is overkill for the simple task of testing for the presence of rotation.
... agreement with the independent measurements by using the astronomical method ...
Of course their bullshit scientific experiment (that no individual can afford to replicate) is in agreement with the
"astronomical method", the stars are in motion above the Earth and Airy's Failure Experiment proves this beyond a reasonable doubt.