Being a member of quite few crypto projects groups on Telegram, I had to notice recent trend of many community members who think they will invest in ICO, then after the ICO end the token gets listed on Binance and the price doubles/triples, which lets them to sell the tokens and earn 200% over night. If that doesn't happen immediately, as ridiculous as it sounds, they start complaining to project owners why their investment didn't at least double and start blaming them for that straight away.
I would like to ask these people to come to senses and let the projects to develop the platforms for which the funds were collected. That way the project can really bring the value to communities and once that happens, there is a good reason for the prices to grow significantly. But let's not lose common sense by putting too much pressure on ICOs which will cause the projects to focus only on marketing and hype instead of proper project development. If you do it this way, you will thank me in a year or two.
Being a long term investor, I must say I totally agree with your point of view. I do think that blockchain and others protocols (like Tangle by Iota for instance) will really change the way we live and work in the future.
I invested a lot in some coin/token which I believe are going to be disruptive and I'm not going to sell them for the next 2/3 years, no matter of current value, which is very unstable.
Certainly, there are also investors who think more in the short term, and I cannot say they are wrong; these are just two different strategies. I strongly believe in a new decentralized information economy.